sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

Tv Shows...

Who doesnt love Tv shows? Its kinda hard to stay away from them and sometimes they make you scream, laugh and stuff... or cry when you realize that you just devoured the currents episode and now you have to wait for them to make one new, or release one new or even to start the next season... An yes, I´m crying coz I just ended the last episode of Castle and now I have to wait like any other mortal for the regular schedule.

Still, it is a good luck, at least for me, that Castle is not the only Tv Show that I like a lot. For example, I like 30 Rock as well, which I found extremely funny and sometimes nasty enough to make me watch it several times per episode... In fact, I do believe that this Tv Show is my second Tv Show in the Humor Tier. Sorry friends of 30 Rock, but Seinfeld has the number one held for now... Yet, eventually, and depending in many things of course, things like that could change.

What do I like about Seinfeld so bad to make it my top Tv Show? Easier to answer. Seinfeld is based in normal things thta could happen to anyone, of course, some of them are taked to one horrible extreme... Like things that usually happens to George... but still, are things that can actually happen to you. and besides, all the characters are well based in different stereotypes that gives the Tv show a excellent touch.

Simply Awesome...
Yet, 30 Rock are base din things a bit more crazy and hard to find in our normal life style. But they have a Dark sense of Humor that makes me be an dedicated addict of this Tv Show, for example, the joke with jack Donaghy and Kenneth about his grandmother while he was holding the microwave above his head.. I´m not gonna say it, so I wont be spoiling anything... But that joke almost made me die choked while I was eating... For me it´s the best joke ever. Liz Lemon and Jack D. are kinda great characters, well played by their actors (Tina Fey & Alec Baldwin) and this fact makes the Tv Show being even better and hard to forget.

i just feel like i want to watch it from the beginning again :)

And yes.. She is also pretty, reason number 3 why I watch this show as well :D
And another Tv Show that I like to see a lot is Modern Family... It has many reasons why I watch it everytime I can, one of them because its hell funny, another is just because I feel identified with Phil Dunphy, I found Cam extremely funny, And I found Sofia Vergara and julie Bowen extremely beauty as well... Yes, it is something normal in myself to like a Tv Show with a pretty actress on it... I also loved time ago Elaine, from Seinfeld... Im that guilty... :)

Modern Family, watch it, 100% recommended.

Fizbo the clown.. or Cam xD

Well, I gotta go, I just wanted to share some of my likes in here once again, and I hope that you like them to as well. Im gonna leave you all with this pic that almost made me cry (of happines)

PFFFFT! Awesome!

Sims 2 -Cont.-

Well, I woke up like 3 hours ago, I think, and i decided to stay away from the computer for a while. So I did... barely. I have to admit that like 2 hours ago... maybe 2 hours and 30 minutes ago, I came here again and decided to do something. I had a flashback about what I was doing last night and I remember the post about the Sims... I check it and somehow, even with all the attrocities against the English language, it didnt went THAT bad.. it could have gone worst, I know.

So after that, I logged on Sims 2 again, just to complete my "something-which-I-Cannot-give-a-name" necessity to play this game. And I have to say that everything was going pretty well... taking aside the fact that my toon was crying every 3 minutes about making friends... Honestly, I´m kinda loner, and this toon is kinda the opposite. Well, anyway.

So, my second Sims day started weird.. actually.. really weird...

"So.. you are a magician? you know.. I´ll better get going... amm.. later"

Honestly, I do not understand that character a lot. She sells potions for love, change the likes and dislikes, and many other things that I do not know if they are actually good enough. I mean, the changes what you picked in the beginning of the game, and it is suppose that if yo picked at the beginning of the game what YOU like... you are not gonna change it.. right?

Anyway, after hat random encounter, I decided to pick a job. And Cops were paying pretty well.. followed by Subject of experiments, which I had to think it twice... My inner child says that I could had end having a serious accident that granted me super powers... but then I remembr that ppl in here can be drowned and burned.. so I could get killed. So, If I´m gonna die: it must be in the line of duty fo sure.

*Add the soundtrack of Robocop*
Obviously, my charcte is focused on me, so I´ve never left my artistic somehow foundations and my painting were just present all the time.. no matter how ugly they were, at least hey were sell for 25 dollars, others for 31.

I can understand the ugly part of the draw.. but why those colors?
 Eventually, the game gave me a great new: i could pick anything that I like to make it a painting. So I went directly to some of my old illustrations and I decidedto work on it. Sadly, this kind of painting takes a bit more time to completed than the others...

Starting.. let´s say in a 10%...

almost a day after, I got my painting done :)
Still, the game has weird thing that I cannot forget... for example, the fact that you say "Hello" to someone for the very first time and they walks into your home, turn on your tv and sit in your favourite (and only) clowny couch.. why?

seriously? just for a hello? now it´s your home?
 Or the fact that ppl walks around your house and they grab your news paper from the floor, read it and leave it in the same place.. without asking... I think that I need a guardian dog... like a Rottweiler...
I dont like this neighborhood...
And I need to say that my bed it´s kinda awesome...

And that I dont know what I´m dreaming about her right now, as well...
This game is not bad... but I need more.. action... killing wights, orcs.. goblins.. explore Moria.. MORIA! Well, right now I´m going out to my sister´s house, but later I´ll be back to go into Moria and kil some filthy orcs!

For the moment, my friends, good luck, and I wish you a great hunting! I´ll see you al later :)

viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

So well... The sims 2...

Yes, I was exploring the dark corners of my room when suddenly a mysterious box, selaed, appeared from the nothing. Well, not exactly the "nothing" but under some other boxes, and I decided to open it... Seveal of my old games were hidden there, the reason? I´m not so sure, but I know that it wans´t there because of me.

Anyway, I decided to install the game again in my computer to see if I still find it funny, or at least, interesting. so I focused my self in one thing: waste a lot of time installing all the games and expax that I had with me. that includes the kitchen, the fashion, the Christmas, the Halloween, another holidays, young urbans, gearing the family, party! and more... Yes.. I´m still in grief for all the GB that I lost there... But I have to be strong, I still have 180 GB free in my HD.

Eventually, the game was completed and ready to play it and so I was too. since this game gives you the option to make a entire zone, I decided to call it Lorién... and I placed some houses, stores, usual stuff that it could be of help or at least interesting to have near.. and some good people to meet eventually, too.

And after placing several houses i just said: "hmm.. This must have to be enough..."...

Enough or not, i was not gonna waste time placing houses...
I lost enough in the install process...

So well, the moment to define my character arrived... To be honest, I was not looking forward to make one from zero, so I decided to hit ranomd and try my luck. And no, it´s not a good at all, see, if you use the random, some werid things could appear and none of them were good enough to play with. check it by yourself.

Random 1: Exotic suit maded with the finest skin of a Boa, same as the shoes, contrasting a elegant black
Jean, a weir bandana that has nothing to do with the rest and a strange scarf...

Random 2: just look at the jacket... so no, this was not my target...

Random 3: Oh yeah... *Click on Random again, several times, in panic*

Random 4: What is this? Tron?

So yes, I ended making a character from zero... I guess that if you want to feel identify with your character, you have to make it right. Since there was a lot of options, I decided to make one more close to what I look like in reality, obviously, the character in here (despise his gear) look at least a 70% better than reality... kinda sad, right? I know! >:<
My version in Tron... honestly, I hate that suit...

So well, anyway, I got my first house, I have to admit that I used a cheat: No time effect on me. I´m not gona get any older than now, so it´s perfect. i purchased my house, i started as soon as possible to read EAcH item in the "Store" and ended with a house that has no sense...

Yes... I know, my bed is a coffin. I just had to do it...

And after that, I decided to start with a novel, then a paint.

I need a new computer for the game, right?

pffft.. what about picasso? I´m the best now!
Sadly, In my first own class about the picture, some fellows decided to pay me a small visit. was fun and fast.. ut check this out.

*Why they dont get a better time to visit me*

So far, I was half-bored... Until I started t see this: Fight! fight! fight!

Woot! fight and do quests then,

Wooooaw... the lady decided to answe rback to the threat...
Cutt his throath!

Why they are in my house when I´m not in there?
Well, I´m kinda tired, so I´ll post the second part of this tomorrow, but for now: Good luck my friends and great hunting!

Yes.. I´m half-asleep.. so my typing is gonna be mess. you know.. the normal stuff on me :)

Talking about classes... Guardians

The guardian is the Tank class, by far, which even has two set traits that are only for tanking. I´ve never rolled a Tank before in this game... well, at least a Guardian, to be honest, farther than lvl 4, maybe 6. But for what I have looked at the bonus traits and kind of abilities, one of them is made to control aggro by damage, and the other is maded to control aggro with skills.

Maybe, also, the difference is just that one is for one-to-one tanking mode while the other is all-vs-the-world tanking mode, still, I can´t be sure. Guardians have also a talent tree maded for dpsing, which as far as I know is kinda not wanted between the dps world. This makes me wonder if I should make one just to try it.

Maybe, some of you dont know what is a Tank in this type of games, but I´m sure that mostly must know what is it. Yet, since I´m a bloodthirsty Minstrel... er... Nice person, I´m gonna explain it. Tanks are the brave one in the world, maded to take and take as much as they can in damage-wise. they are the front line in war and they must be supported directly by the Healer. Their skills are maded to control aggro (Enemie´s attention) during all the battle, and they can take damage not only from one source, but even from many sources. And yes, they usually use Heavy armor and shields to help with the mitigation and they can usually use some heal spells on them.. Not so sure if this last part applies as well for Guardians.

the Defender of the Free:
This trait seems to be the one that I like to see as Controlling Aggro by using attacks, applying damage and against many targets. For the Tank classes I find not much to say about, I mean, they are one of the most centered players due their responsability, making the healers the more dedicated and the Dps the most "kill-loot" class... This tank, anyways, seems to be versatile, but maybe not stronger than the other specc.

I{m gonna be honest: Why only heavy shields looks that awesome?

the Fighter of Shadow:
Again, I know othign about these traits, but for what I have seen, these guys seems like they can handle more time than the Defenders, but they wont be doing as much as damage as them. maybe this guys are just like a wall waiting to be hit by a battery ram. This is, honestly, a class that I found hard to maintain.

"I´ll knee-cap you! Come over here!
The Keen Blade:
Finally, the dps one! Yes, these traits is based to Dps the heel out of our foes all the time, and maybe maded to resist in case of emergencies and certains moments. A guardian dps sounds good, at least for those who love to go in the opposite line of the road, even if everyone is telling yuo not to do so. I mean: Me. Look at me? I only wanna dps with Varsalla, instead of healing. :) This is a trait set that I must have to tray for sure!

It looks awesome... I have no doubt!

Well, this post reached an end, and I know that it has not been of help at all. Since I usually go a bit stressed inside instances and in many fights, the Tank option is kinda far for me. For my own mental sake, i must saty as dps sometimes... but I have tanked.. instances and Raids... and it´s awful!

Well friends, good luck! and have a great hunting! the week-end is about to START! happy weekend and see you tomorrow or a bit later :)

Another day in Moria...

My adventure inside Moria still goes on. Its really amazing how good this part (At least the Great Delving) is worked by the programmers and designers from the company. Yet, some things are sometimes hard to believe and sadly I found one today.

I was doing a quest in Moria, about killing some Uruks inside the goblin town near the first campment and that was really easy and fast. For some reason, sometimes, the signature mobs are not harder than a normal mob in the game, I guess that its only to make it fast for the quest. They do have more health, but in power? nah, they are kinda weak sometimes.

I was climbing back the mountain-stairs when I saw a building, that was looking pretty good and I wanted to keep it as Screen for my monitor (And I was checking ta my mail and I didnt sent it with the rest of the pics for this post... >.<) and I saw a large building, maybe not large, but medium, building like a zigurat design.

Anyway, after killing tht guy and returning to the Dwarf Campment, I got anew instance like quest to end that chain-quest, and the place was quite awesome inside, look it for yourself and judge :)

This is the "front door" of the instance.

This creen was taken when few goblins were dead.. I almost died in here too.

Ok, The Dwarf goes first! funny that he could actually saw what was happening in the other side and I, the elf, could not...

Running to the other side, killing goblins and stuff

A goblin and a Orc playing 300 in Lord of the Rings Online.

And after this part, everything was like "RUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuun"
So I dont have more screens... :)
This place IS awesome, but the sad thing is that this HUGE place is actually the medium building that I saw. I think that it's normal in games to make the buildings in the outside smaller and in the inside kinda big; but honestly, now that I re-read my entry, I do not want to complaint about this... this game is just to awesome to be saying stuff like ths, that actually is not that important.

Maybe the Building is bigger than I thought, and maybe I'm the wrong in here :)

Well, gotta go to work, headache is killing me and I have a lot of things to do, have a great day and a nice hunting!

jueves, 28 de abril de 2011

EU and US merged?

Imagine that you are in a tavern, asking in the bar for a drink, it has been a normal, decent night haging with your friends and usddenly some guy falls from the second floor, just aside you, breaking a table in two, while other guy disguised as ninja  starts to jump between the lamps of the place. You step back only with one thought: "wth?" And THEN as Minotaur appears breaking the wall and talking in Elvish (Yes, A mino talking in Elven tongue) and for some reason you can understand and then you think: "WTH?!" and THEN the bartender becomes a machine like Terminator and grabs a shotgun and starts to shot everywhere...

This would definitly takes you flatfooted and you have really no idea of what is happening...

Well, I'm like this in this EU and US server... And the forums are not helping me a bit... Each forum is like a new character to my Tavern story, leaving me more doubts and questions...

It is normal, in me, not to dig my nose into the modern, forums things until they are near or released... like the Update 2... I was like: "Ah, yes.. there's a patch, and theres a mayor change... but I dont care". But this news about the EU and US servers is taking control over my twitter and makes me wonder: What is gonna happening?

They are merging servers? if they are doing that.. Is there a list of the servers that are going to merged? US is gonna have dedicated Rp servers? if not... What is gonna happen with the dedicated servers from EU? what happens if there's a character with the same name in both sides? who's gonna keep the original name? what is gonna happen with the Kinships under he same name? Or are they just adding those EU servers to the same list that US server are at? Are we gonna have two Saurons instead of one?! now, THAT, would be great...

I'm really hoping for answers...

And yes, I haven't search enough... it was more like:

-Uh? Server merged?...
*Lotro Forums*
*Forum 1*
*Forum 2*
-Oh.. wait.. what?
*Forum 3*
-Amm.. I better go and write in the blog...

Well, I only wanna say this:

In case of the EU players comes to US servers: Welcome my friends!

In case that US server are going to EU servers: Hello there! how you doing? *charmingface*

In case of the list just grow longer: I'll be passing by from time to time to say hello and welcome!

Well, good friends, have a nice day and a greta hunting, I wish you the best of the luck for today :)

almost like this... but with a Ninja and a Bartender-terminator-style.
I dont know too much about this pic.. I was looking for Todd Lockwood but I got this one, which is similar to Lockwood style, but seems to be maded by another awesome artist called Svetlin Velinov... but I dont know, yet! Both deserve a post later, and I will make them one :)

brb.. Gonna eat cake :)

Talking about classes... Runekeepers

Well, since I'm back into my duties of talking about what I feel with the other classes, Im gonna do that again, this time with our fellows the Runekeepers.

If you walk into Bree and ask for advice, maybe in the general or trade channels (use the General, plz, dont use the trade for normal chatting) and you ask about the Runekeepers, mostly your answers will be like: "They are overpowered characters", "They can do amazing stuff", "All the heroes should be more like them", "A runekeeper can solo Sauron" and maybe, some of them could be truth.

I have a Runekeeper, and used to have one, my first runekeeper was elf dude, kinda dumb so I deleted it, and now Vadakia has born.. Several months later. the Runekeeper is a good class, even if you have only light armor, you can heal, crowd-control a bit and nasty nuke your enemies. They use the lighting and Fire to become a pain, and they have their healing tratis to make a strong rival for the minstrels at the moment of healing... still, seems like Minstrels have more chances to become even greater healers.

The system of the Runekeeper is kinda cool. You have a rune... meter? yes, a rune-meter which is divided into 3 points, The red extreme that tells you that you are a nasty dps, the Green extreme that tells you that you are such a friendly healer and the middle, that you are just a typical friend. As more as you use one side, your spells are going to become greater, but this means that some spells of the other side are going to be locked for use until you reach some certain lvl in runes at the other side. The sad part? Only one side is allowed at a time, the good part? You can change this side everytime you need it... with a bit of work, of course, it's not THAT easy.

Cleasing Fires:
Basically damage over time and some direct dps on the enemy to remind him/her whos the best in here. If I have to pick this trait it could be only for lvling, with a bit of lightning, of course. This traits will give you more Red runes than usual, and you will be a nasty enemy.

See? All of them are just alike! *rages*
 Solitary Thunder:
I dont like the name of this tree... Solitary Thunder... Is kinda.. meh... but anyway, this tree works as direct dps mainly and debuffer as well (so far I read, of course). While cleasing fire is only about fire, The Solitary Thunder is not only lightning, but chilling ice as well. In less words: You are like a walking-Tempest. In Rune-wise stuff.. I think that this will add more red runes, yet, is more balanced perhaps... I think...
I dont like the name, neither the pic... Maybe this is not my specc...

Benedictons of Peace:
The healer side, this side will give you the power to heal everyone is the zone with a piece of rock... er... rune... and some direct healing spells and Heals over Time as well. So far it's rare for me to see a Runekeeper as healer, so they could be more like a myth... but I dont know,  I have to play more in groups, of course. This side will only give you Green runes, of course.

By the Dwarf power of the sacred blue mountains, MY ROCK! shall heal your injuuuuuries!
Yes, I have to admit, this class was more than good enough when I used it, and now my Little Runekeeper is at lvl 5 only coz I reached Moria. This class is a "Must" in what try means, it's fun, fast and it's kinda hard sometimes.

Only Dwarves and Elves applies... Sorry Hobbits and Humans, maybe the next class is gonna be only for you both.

Well, I gotta go, only the Guardian and the Minstrel are waitig for their post, it will be soon, of course! Good luck my friends and have a nice hunting!

Quests in Moria.

So far the quests at Moria have been funny and hard to complete.. In many ways. first of all, some mobs in there are lvl 52 or 53, making them hard to kill, even for a bloodthirsty minstrel as I. Usually, they have the skill yo stun you and that's really horrible, and they have a nice quantity of health points, like between 2.5k and 3.5k usually... if you gather all that together and suddenly add two enemies: that combination is just a bad, BAD, idea.

So, the quests as well have been quite different than the quests outside the mines. I had to check some mirrors, find where does a cristal shard belongs, bother some next to kill the hive queen and burn down some platforms with some goblins on it.

Yet, the quest that was really weird for me was one with two levers and some waterfalls... See, in the crossroad chamber, some dwarf told me to check some levers in a brigde so I did. Obviously I had to kill several goblins, burn the platforms, kill some beast and bats, and finally... I was there.. In that awesome bridge...

I said: "Awesome bridge" coz it is awesome...

Click here aaaaaand...

click here... So!...


The funnypart was a warning that said something like: "Strange... nothing seems to happen". At the beginning I was like "What? I did lla that I did just for this???!!!" But then, in my rage moment, I got a clearly idea of something.

There's a rule in D&D that says that not everything that is there, works correctly, specially in a forgotten ruin. So I realized that this rule was also applied in here, at least for now. Moria has been abandoned for years, lots of years, and is normal that some mechanisms were not working.

I love this type of details of the game, t was not a waste of time, since I got some Xp and LIxp as well, and, even if I had a rage attack, they were right. well played Turbine, honestly... Well played... I only hope that those waterfalls remains like that and the levers are not gonna work eventually. would be great.

Well, gotta go, lot of work to do, not too much time to complete them all. Good luck my friends! and have a great hunting in this day!

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

More of Moria

I love Moria... Even if I need my dumb goat, I love this place. No matter if I have to walk all the way back and forward just to complete one miserable quest... I love Moria.

Several reasons for this, but most of all: It´s Moria.It has goblins, insects and goblins and insects and it´s kinda lonely sometimes, which is pretty good for leveling with strategy and that kind of stuff that I usually dont apply very well and very often.

Wehn I just log on into the game, I went running back the misterious crystal egg in Lambad-dum... Or somethign like that. and after avoiding several crawl hunters and killing 3 goblins, I saw the place once again. But Im ´not Indy, so I checked the egg at every point and I didnt saw anything :S well, I´m like that... I could be in the Atlantis and there´s a chance that I would have no idea of.

So I was there again...

The place, I must say, it´s kinda creepy... I had to kill some creatures in order to take more screens, but I didnt care, thanks to the Valars the Respawns in here is quite fast enough.

So I started to check it...

...And nothing was kinda intriguing...

Until I saw this... marks... runes...

More marks.. runes... and I can´t read them...

And the open part of the egg-like...

So, I decided to take this thing from other point of view... Honestly...

And I saw the plates in the floor..
Since I dotn know the runes in the egg, perhaps the runes in the plates were going to provide me a bit more of help...

But no... I had no idea...

And yes, I reached my both weapons to lvl 20 in order to make them lvl up together :)
So this fact only leaves me one option: To find myself a answer...

It could be a Dragon egg... or a nasty creature Egg... or just a weird variation of Quarz inside a rock... or maybe the secret plans of the goblins to conquest the world... or just a statue maded by someone... Maybe the one that Durin VI sents you to talk with the crafter... I dont know. Many options, just one simple (But kinda big) crystal-egg.

Well, possibly it´s coz I´m tired, I´m gonna go to sleep, have a good night my friends and have a great hunt!