Well, since I'm back into my duties of talking about what I feel with the other classes, Im gonna do that again, this time with our fellows the Runekeepers.
If you walk into Bree and ask for advice, maybe in the general or trade channels (use the General, plz, dont use the trade for normal chatting) and you ask about the Runekeepers, mostly your answers will be like: "They are overpowered characters", "They can do amazing stuff", "All the heroes should be more like them", "A runekeeper can solo Sauron" and maybe, some of them could be truth.
I have a Runekeeper, and used to have one, my first runekeeper was elf dude, kinda dumb so I deleted it, and now Vadakia has born.. Several months later. the Runekeeper is a good class, even if you have only light armor, you can heal, crowd-control a bit and nasty nuke your enemies. They use the lighting and Fire to become a pain, and they have their healing tratis to make a strong rival for the minstrels at the moment of healing... still, seems like Minstrels have more chances to become even greater healers.
The system of the Runekeeper is kinda cool. You have a rune... meter? yes, a rune-meter which is divided into 3 points, The red extreme that tells you that you are a nasty dps, the Green extreme that tells you that you are such a friendly healer and the middle, that you are just a typical friend. As more as you use one side, your spells are going to become greater, but this means that some spells of the other side are going to be locked for use until you reach some certain lvl in runes at the other side. The sad part? Only one side is allowed at a time, the good part? You can change this side everytime you need it... with a bit of work, of course, it's not THAT easy.
Cleasing Fires:
Basically damage over time and some direct dps on the enemy to remind him/her whos the best in here. If I have to pick this trait it could be only for lvling, with a bit of lightning, of course. This traits will give you more Red runes than usual, and you will be a nasty enemy.
See? All of them are just alike! *rages* |
Solitary Thunder:
I dont like the name of this tree... Solitary Thunder... Is kinda.. meh... but anyway, this tree works as direct dps mainly and debuffer as well (so far I read, of course). While cleasing fire is only about fire, The Solitary Thunder is not only lightning, but chilling ice as well. In less words: You are like a walking-Tempest. In Rune-wise stuff.. I think that this will add more red runes, yet, is more balanced perhaps... I think...
I dont like the name, neither the pic... Maybe this is not my specc... |
Benedictons of Peace:
The healer side, this side will give you the power to heal everyone is the zone with a piece of rock... er... rune... and some direct healing spells and Heals over Time as well. So far it's rare for me to see a Runekeeper as healer, so they could be more like a myth... but I dont know, I have to play more in groups, of course. This side will only give you Green runes, of course.
By the Dwarf power of the sacred blue mountains, MY ROCK! shall heal your injuuuuuries! |
Yes, I have to admit, this class was more than good enough when I used it, and now my Little Runekeeper is at lvl 5 only coz I reached Moria. This class is a "Must" in what try means, it's fun, fast and it's kinda hard sometimes.
Only Dwarves and Elves applies... Sorry Hobbits and Humans, maybe the next class is gonna be only for you both.
Well, I gotta go, only the Guardian and the Minstrel are waitig for their post, it will be soon, of course! Good luck my friends and have a nice hunting!