Taking a break from all the epic books and reviews that bring both, memories of sadness and anger, to my soul, I'm going to tell the story of a peculiar event that happened yesterday at night, a event that prevent me to spent another play time inside those horrible quests for Amarthiel.
When I reached home, eadted and drinked and played with my cat a bit... In fact, I went directly to bed to bury my head on the pillow and my cat decided to tap with his paws my ears as if he were chasing moles or something... I decided to go once more inside Lotro to complete and end my personal karma, the tale of Amarthiel and all the riding that means. But I didnt logged complete when I got a /Tell from a friend, Asgand, asking me to have dinner in his house.
At the beginning I was like "O.o" since I had in mind travelling to Eregion and search for Laerdan.. again... but the idea started to sound, even if not good, at least as "Roleplay event". Asgand was completely new to the RP stuff and I was waiting for a RP event for so long so we decided that it would be great start at least for those who could like RP in Silverlode, which are plenty (I can see many all the time with their names in white running around)
The event was going to be simple, just dinner and perhaps talk about our character's story. Asgand decided to cook few things... Well, LOTS of things as he was lvling up his farming vocation while I was just ending some quests on Rivendell and searching for a nice cosmetic outfit to use. As you all have imagined, I have no interest in using dresses with Varsalla, I see her as a tough, roguish bard instead of a glamorous minstrel... In fact, she is not someone to tag along so easy.
And this was the cosmetic that I found on my vault... old clothes from old quests.
And I got the Rivendell's prized horse as well. |
I've done RP on WoW, in Sentinel server and that's from where I learned how to role on MMORPG. It's quite different from D&D or Vampire Chronicles (Table games) since you have to understand many rules and keep in mind that you are not, but NOT, the main character of Lotro... You are just one of the thousand heroes that are fighting for the middle earth. Since this event came up to fast I had no story planned for her so I decided to improvise a bit, not talking too much about my past.
Eventually, after few hours of doing quests and wandering in Rivendell, the time was set and I had to go to Bree-lands homesteads, where Asgand have his house at. During the time while he was doing all the cooking, all the exaggerated (if that word is writen like that) cooking, I was telling him about few normal rules, like for example: if you are going to have a dinner at your home, with guests, it would be nice if you were using more casual outfits instead of heavy armor and your two handed weapon at your back; and maybe that running was not the best all the time, walking was more polite and less chaotic, usual stuff that I would have love to know in my first session in WoW.
Asgand and I on the square, near his house. |
The best part of doing RP events are those weird things that happens that we can't control or at least we didnt had enough time to control it, like for example, Asgand with his clothes which could be good for any other class with any other background but perhaps for a Dunedaín (He is one of them, as his story is intended) its a bit too.. colorfull... Or in my case, while I was playing some music, some of my songs ended weirdly and less talented as intended...
Yep.. a bit too colorfull.. |
"I was sure that the song ended like that... even if sounded like if you kicked a cat
through the window..." |
Eventually, RP fever got another member of the kin involved and to be honest, since we were just doing a bit of practice, we were not ready to confront any awesome roleplayer yet; But Antare the Dwarf is a good friend of mine in real life and he is a excellent D&D player as well and he wanted to give it a try.
Dwarf in a full plate with a heavy shield asking for dinner...
What else you can ask for? |
The chat system at the beginning, with the three of us, become a bit
annoying, everyone was talking at the same time. |
The sesion was actually funny, while Asgand was talkign and talking and talking without a way to be stopped, Antare was abusing of the emotes and I was always answer really late to any question, this was just a drill, thanks to the Valars, but I know that eventually, in no time, we wil be doing greatly and perhaps some RP could be done in this server.
As it was expected, while I was looking forward for the dinner, which almost didn happen... Antare and Asgand decided to make a beer contest, while they were smoking and yelling between each other, in my case, Varsalla needs her voice for her attacks so smoking is not a option for me and drinking... I dont know, it's not wise to drink too much near a crazy dwarf and a chatty human, so I used the lute again and started to play some music while I was counting the beers...
5 each one... |
After the 25 ended with Antare as winner and way to drunk
while Asgand feinted twice... |
At that point we were just to far away from the RP session and we were mostly doing jokes and bothering each other with challanges until a new mssg was posted in the Kin chat. It is amazing the power that have the instances in each player, as soon as I read that Fireborn was gonna do GS for the daily and since ihave never been there, I jumped saying that I could heal and in no time all of us were ending the RP session as fast as you can't imagine.
My first time in Grand stairs... I wanted to jump down
so badly... |
This fight was annoying, really annoying... but we succeded. |
From that point and further I didnt took any more screens, the only reason why.. well, I was the healer and or I was taking under control or everyone was dying near. I learned a few things in here, like potions are necessary, in my case, all of them but mostly power potions... I had plenty of them when I reached the entrance but after a bit I got none on my back and the last fight was just too painful.
For others players potions are strictly necessary as well, specially fear, I am not a master of healing but I think that the reaon why my Fear dispell has a extremely short range is just to be use on me just in case since most of the fears of apply DoTs or reduce Will and Fear... Since I'm learning all this on the road, I have no master or tutor, so I'm guessing. At least I had this AoE fear remove that was awesome, Fellowship of the heart or heart of the Fellowship.
But even with all the troubles we did just great and we all got nice items, I only got items for my house and some runes for my legendary weapons and for some reason I failed in the other 20 rune rolls and relic case rolls as well.
Yesterday was a awesome day, a bit a Roleplaying and then instances.. what else I could ask for? well, Raids and PvMP but raids is in few days and PvMP with Isengard sadly... in Raid speaking I'm going to sign up but my stats are quite lower.
Well, I'm out for a bit, good luck my friends and have a great time! happy hunting :3