martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

Was a lie... like the cake...

There´s upon a time, a noble elf maiden named Varsalla Darksong, know in the lands of Lórien as "Champion of Lórien" for her dedicated and noble stand against the forces of evil orcses in the frontier with those golden lands and the dark, tenebrous Mines of Moria. she was a explorer since lvl 1, and eventually she felt the need to return to her land and knew, for once, why she had left those peaceful woods to venture forth into some horribles lands such as Angmar and Trollshaws, not even to mention the Dark Mines of Moria.

After months of battle, she arrived to Lórien, ready to make her legend grow fast in her lands, but, not everyone was happy with this. Haldir, a NPC´s located in a Talan was expecting her with a last task, a task that perhaps she couldnot complete and, obviusly, perish in the try.

Yes, that was how it happened, only that better told and more epic. I was finally in Lórien when Haldir told me to go back to Mines of Moria... he said "Under the advice of the White Lady" but he never show up any letter nor any sign... I think that he was just envy, and for that reason he sent me back into Moria, this time, to the Fondations of Stone directly.

OMG! Get out of this tale! you belong to Alien!

The Foundations of Stone is a huge maze maded of, of course, stones, that will made your life a little bit bitter, horrible and darker every day. Only those which heart is truly the heart of a adventurer can go inside this place and have a great time and fun in here. Sadly, we (minstrels) dont have that kind of heart. It´s most more like: 2I wanna be out of here" heart.

This place is were Gandalf and the Balrog fell when they had their little misunderstanding atop of the bridge of Khazad-dum, after falling for like 3 minutes in the movie figthing with sword and fire whips all the way down. i guess that most of the players wanted to see this zone and Turbine was happy to fulfill those wishes so they can had a better Epic Book quest to told, if they asked me, I could have say omething like "meeeeeeeh, dont know" But hey, I can{t deny that the quests in here (Book quests) are really good.

More "Green water"... we all know what is this... right?
 the worst part of this place is that, usually, when you are in moria, you can "say" where you are... in this place everything is a wall, or a way down, or a green lake, or some weird fungus and some Globsnagas waiting to ambush you... And Globsnaga can be from Goblins to Trolls... Trolls are Elite... By the way.

I´m quite sure that I have been in here... Am I walking in circles? AM I?!!

Hmmm yeah.. right... the bridge...
Gotta admit that I owe Asgand one for the extra help that he gave me here, we both had some mutual quests in here so we decided to team up and get lost together. You know, because it´s always good to be lost with someone that you know that alone. the only thing that I do not share with him is part of his gameplay, I mean, he is full armor, I´m just cloth with some shoes as medium armor... Running and doing great pulls it´s not my thing. Literally.

In here, Asgand and i were lost in the Nameless hive... not a  good thing to remember
We were looking for some Rune rock that happens to be one floor above.

The epic tale of the epic battle part III, this guy died by our hand like 3 or 4 times...
After doing all those quests, Asgand went to get some rep with Irn Garrison and miners to get his goat mount as soon as possibly, so far I can tell, he is quite obsessed with mounts that could make him look like a dunedain or a ranger. I decided to end some book quest instance by my own with the always overpowered Insporation buff on me.

Following this fat orc all around a place full of nameless,
blogsnagas and orcs it´s not my best time to spend the day...
Basically, this instance is maded for us to know better the ancient evils and the ancient perils that Moria has in its long forgotten roads, Orcs in this part are just as useful as furniture inthe game, just a merely decoration to use, kill, fast and loot.

Theorbo is stronger than the shield and sharppen than the orc´s sword...
Beware the musicians!

Well... Yeah... a uber troll Globsnaga...
 After a bit, you reach the two bodyguards of "someone" who they swore to protect with their life. This fight is quite funny, they have low health and you have to burn them part by part, every certain damage, oneof them is going to retreat and let the other to continue the fight and from the holes in the ground, nasty things can occurs... like portals to who knows where or lava pits.

Fire and Darkness...

Darkness is the most dangeours in my opinion...
Fire was quite easy.
But who they are protecting? what in the middle earth could be that creature? a Balrog perhaps? Nein, nein, nein... Another type of Ancient Evil, a Ancient Evil that I do not recall its name.

You see all those faithfull orcs? they are in fact crying for their lifes.

But this huge dude kills thems all in one single blow.
 This fight is quite awesome, as long as you keep movng, the ame enmy will change its form to Fire or Darkness, each of one with different attacks, also some adds will appear in the scene and I´m pretty sure that they have something to do with his change, but I can be say how.

At the end: they all fall under my feet.
Well, after this quest you are requiered to see Haldir again.. that traitor! he should be the one in moria! not I! I already spent 3 months in there and I dont wanna go back... I just.. dont wanna... anyway, Haldir see that you are just a awesome creature and he tells you that Galadriel will see you in her private garden, where the Mirror is at. which is the previous posts that I uploaded earlier :)

Well, I gotta go, enjoy and do those quests, the fight is worthy of all the stress trying to getting it :) good hunting my friends! and have good luck as well :3

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