viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

Ahhh, waterworks!

Yes, Finally I'm back into one of my favourites zones of the game, The Water-Works in Moria. This time, things have changed, instead of singing around and make others suffer with my melodies while my allies gets more and more morale... I'm just "sniping" and one shooting frogs, lizard, spiders and ocassionally Goblins that I found in my way. Also, I can use track without getting lost or finding myself with a huge wall between me and my prey...

This time, also, I reached this great place with the level that I really need it to be in here, around 55 and 56, and sadly, due I have been working a bit hard in the quests there, I'm going to be 57 in no time... Well, thats not so sure, since I got a new proyect at works and its going to take away from me my free time until (At least) December 2. just to explain it easily: We need to make 200 reproductions of some paintings in Fine Art for that time, we still have no negative of the original and we have selected already the time work... I got the night-time.

Spending the night in the office its not new for me, maybe the fact that I'm going to be stuck at the office without Lotro, just hearing the Plotter running and watching series... well, that "may" gonna suck a bit. A lot. LOT... in fact. Anyway, I could download the game im here, at the office, but its gonna take a bit longer than usual, same net for all the Macs in here, everyone checking youtube, facebook, Twitter... oh, wait.. did you think that this was a serious office? hehe yeah.. right.. anyway... The downloading time tis gonna be just awfully.

That why I downloaded a new game, that if is worthy I will talk about later, in another post, for the moments lets just stick at Water works :3 shall we?

Looking at this screen has made me realize something... Aside the beuty of the Waterworks, of course..
If I had the Red Hauberk for the Screen, it could have been more like Castlevania :3

One of the things that I never did with Varsalla due her fragility (Prior the RoI, of course) was leaving unvisited the catacombs like tunnels filled with water. Not the part with the little dwarf waiting for the steel cogwheel but the other, located bit more north, near the great wheel structure. Since Khas have traps, AoE grabs, one shooter skills and slow skills... and run a bit more faster than usual, I decided to spend a long time there...
It may see that I was lost, but I was, in fact, admiring the place and the colors of the scenery...
While I was lost, of course.
Oh, look... the Dwarf... its all connected... meh...
So yes, you can reach the same place going either for the fast, boring way filled with noble Toads and Lizards that dont want to be disturbed... or you can get into the watery catacombs and get lost with almost no chance to find the right way while you confront Salamanders and evil, green glowing, worms... I had fun with the long way, but quests are quests and getting lost is not that funny sometimes. Ah, and yes, if you jump and fall into the will break your leg, it happen to me.

One of the most amazing things is that I found a old friend of Varsalla, the rare toad Swartgut, which I killed (again) to reclaim my useless now, mithril flake. I'm really expecting to get some use for those, I have like 15 right now and I dont just wanna sell them in the AH or drop them in my bank or in the floor... I wish I had a time machine. >.<

The coldblooded Hunter aiming directly to the heart of the innocent Toad, almost point blank shot.
Cruel world, cruel things...

From all the quests that I had in my log, this one the one that I didnt like most... not just because
you have to clean the place, but because you have to go back, kill some dragonets and take their acid gland out...
its just too much walking.
 Hopefully, I can be at Lorien soon, of course, after December 2, since I wont have too much of a time to play the game during this proyect, but... Maybe I will bring my computer here and MAYBE, I can play a bit while I'm stuck in here... lets see, so far, right now, I'm gonna try: Heroes of Newerth... that's the game that I was mentioning few lines back,lets see what it looks like.. so far, good luck my friends! see you later! :3

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