sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

Reaching the end of the year...

Things have been gone crazy lately around myr work, life and... well, that´s all, work and life.. I have been working a lot, getting sometimes really upset, a bit just "not motivated" with some clients, lots of new things to learn and mostly: No life to spare with other human beings...

Hardly Lotro, and trust me, it´s true on the "Hardly". This last week, however, it was quite different, I decided not to kill myself at work as long as few of us only does and enjoy more my life, going out, relaxing, playing Lotro and watching series, especially this last one.

Few things changed, as I mentioned in my last post.. like a month or more ago, sorry about that, and it´s time to explain them:

-Khas has become my my main-

Yes, my hunter has become my Main, while I still love playing with Varsalla and I am a Fan of the new minnies changes in the game, I need to admit that for some reason, Varsalla its not longer my favourite character anymore, and it´s not due the class or the expack (which at the beginnign was awesome and at the end become more than the usual stuff... I barely understand the reason why with the expack they didnt launched the instances as well and kept us waiting for like 2 months for them, maybe a bit more.. and we are still waiting, of course...) but due the name. How silly, right? Yeah, I know, it´s silly, but that´s me, as I explain it in the new Kin: "Khas is Khas, she earned her spot in my epic battles, and she will be always the chosen one".. hehe not that words, but same.. almost same idea..

For those who doesnt know Khas, here, take a screen, from the first Khas in WoW (Sentinel server and Andorhal Server, both US servers.), to the new Khas in LotrO.

Last screen that I took with the set that I loved most, Few days before leaving  the game due Cataclysm
horrible expack. the new armor type (Back then, i dont know how good they look now) was just... ick..

You see that little spot with what it seems to be a Bow? that´s Khas.. Sorry
I didnt had a new screen after all, right now I´m at 54 :3
And by the way.. I didnt do that disaster back there... I  swear it!

I feel a bit more motivated to play a bit more, a lot more in fact, since hunters are all about strategy, you can handle several enemies at one just if you are careful enough to avoid troubles. With the new Minnie changes, I was just going berserker with Varsalla, I didn´t care if they were 2 mob or 5 mobs, they all deserved to die at the same time... Minnies, just in case, they got overpowered, and they deserve it as well, after 65 lvls (previous expacks) of pain and suffering while suffering, killed several times in the Pvp zone and more... now they finally got their revenge.

-New Kin, some new friends, some old friends-

Yes, I left The Order of the Silver Flame like a bit more of a month ago, I need it a change and I was mostly playing alone while several friends from my country where running aroudn with this Kin, Hispania, in which I am now. I´m not so sure how bad idea was doing this change, so far in both Kin I had great moments, and I owe a lot to the Order since they were for me when I started to play the game.. again... after Cataclysm. the Order is a great Kinship and I would recommend it with my eyes close, but I was having some troubles with the language and that, along my friends all in thye same Kin, made my mind easily. and I had to change.

-Series, lots of them.-

Yes, since I dont have enough time to spent on the game, well, I have it, yet if  start playing I know that I could be awake until very late and that would not be the best for me right now, especially with the lots of things to do in the office. I was watching Modern Family, which I found pretty nice and they had some great jokes, also, Castle new season started and every week I´m eating my nails waiting for the next episode, and for some reason 30 Rock hasnt started yet... what wrong with them? the season 5 was the last one? :(

BUT! aside those series, I got 2 new ones that I could recommend a lot. Community, I dont know, it´s sometimes silly but I would be lying if I say that I dont enjoy it a lot, some of the jokes are just like me, weird and freak, and somehow cruel.. I´m not cruuuuuuel, but I love cruel jokes sometimes.

And Dr. Who... I dont know if is a bad thing or not to declare myself as a Whovian, since so far I have only watched the serie since Christopher Eccleston to the last episode of the serie 6, with Matt Smith, and all the christmas specials, and I got a pair of old fasiones 3D glasses (Cyan and red glasses) that I carry with me almost all the time and I just ordered a Sonic screwdriver that hopefully i will have this week... Monday, to be honest, I want it for Monday, but I´m not going to be that optimistic.

I wont describe, for now, Dr. Who... I gotta go and I know that I will be talking about that show for like hours and lots of posts, so I will save that for later.

I really have to go, ppl is waiting for me, sadly, almost in the other side of the city... and I´m still unready to go... Yes.. "unready" if that word exists :3 Good luck my friends! I´ll be back in few days, I just need to keep updating this, I really need it for myself. Good hunting :D

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