martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

Back in time...

I'm stuck at my office, for one specific reason: After 5 hours of rain the city seems to collapse into chaos and anarchy. Honestly, I do really dont care about traffic, I'm usually used to get like 45 to 1 hour 30 mins to drive back home at night, but if I leave now I'm sure that I'll be at least 1 hours 30 mins to 2 hours 30 mins. and thats a "No, thanks but I'll pass". Since there's nothing to do at my office and for some reason my internet speed is a little bit more than "sad" I decided to dig in my flash drives to see what forgotten treasures do I left behind in that small device.

Lots of screens of Khas, from when I was starting the game basically, and even the first screens of Varsalla and Serendis, those screen shave more than a year right now and it feels like it were... oh, wait.. it feels right, its feels like a lot of time since I took them. So, since I'm boring, I decided to post a new one with those screens just to share with you those images, I have a vaguely idea of what I was doing at that time, so... only screens and some random words.

Khas visiting her first Kinship's house...
My first Kinship was Riders of Rohan, I was really excited only just because of the name, it was awesome been part of a Kinship that had a lot of connection with the game... sadly, later I found out that they were not into the role playing style so being in a awesome kinship under those rules were just... boring. But I meet nice people, sadly, only to leave the game less than a month later due Cataclysm release.

When I saw this my first words were: "Wow... THIS is a real bank!"
I guess that I was so polluted with WoW at that time...
i spent a lot of time running Bree, the first part was just visiting, the rest... I was lost, but thanks to the Valars for that useful map, it took me a bit to get ready and centered in what i was doing and where I need to go, between the map and the tracking system... Obviously I went to Staddle, where I had those quests waiting for me and where I had at least a 35% of the map to explore... Funny is that...

I wasted a lot of time with my typically bad jokes... "hehe, this is what I call farming"
You know, now it's not that funny...

Yeah, after that sigh, I just went to uncle google to read about mounts and how could I get one. I was not afraid of walking, but I certainly I didnt want to spent all my game time walking in Bree-lands just to be sent again all way back. Yet, honestly, that's a sigh to remember, when you are for first time in a game and you see all that unexplored land, full with enemies and little creepy things that wants to kill you, ruins everywhere and the best of all: loot to be looted.

It took me some quests and a pair of levels to find out something amazing: you could buy a house. A house, for you alone, one per account (Which at that moment was more than necessary) So I went to the homesteads at Breelands to see what I could buy.

And since I was starting, I could not afford any house there, yet I was hypnotized
for all the possibilities in the game.

My second quest-pack, North-downs.
That screen reminds me of the day that Lone lands was in discount, as well North downs and Evendim. I had several Tps that I didnt used (Mostly because I was not so sure how to use them) and I saw everyone one the Kin talking about the discounts and stuff. in just few seconds I got my mount for Khas, for Serendis, got the three Quests packs and I thought that I had almost all the game to explore. It was not to long when I found out that Evendim (Before the Revamp) was a nasty, hideous place and northdowns was not too far for there as well, and like two week slater Turbine decided to put Lone-lands as a free zone. Not so sure if it was one of the worse buys in my lotro life, yet I'm glad that I did it. And yes, I keep lying to myself.

As normal in me, always late on my vocations...

searching for Tin in the marshes at the Shire, until I saw a rainbow and the song
double rainbow crossed my mind... I wanted to kill myself at that moment. 
After few levels and several deaths I was back into Evendim and meet this character, Gwindeth. The hiden entrance for the cave, the cave, the water, the light effects her were mostly like... I dont know, something amazing that left me speechless for some time... While I was tooking all the screens, after that and after hearing all the troubles that she was throwing me at, I decided to end my fascination for her and treat her as a normal Lake fey.

She is so... blue...
Well, after that, I went back at Esteldin, found out how the Jewelcrafter guilds are like and I worked to hard just to get the rep that I need it. Sadly, this part was a bit "meh" and Cataclysm was quite close near. So i left after that screen.

Well, this is the first part and so far the only one of this back in time special, hope you like it, and have a great time!

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