miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

instances, Enedwaith and Dunland

Well, not in that order, was how I did say good bye to lvl 64 and started lvl 65 two days ago in Lotro. I was leveling on Mirkwood when suddenly, Xeneca, asked me to go inside a instance that i never done before. Of course it was impossible for me to decline such offer so I just went without asking and logged on the kin's Teamspeak to have fun. Once again, my Teamspeak config. was kinda... weird and my mic was not working, but we were using both teamspeak and fellow-chat to communicate each other.

I dont remeber the instance, but the last boss was this Gorothul dude (or something like that), the same dude that kidnapped the Dwarf at Moria, Bori I think. Geez.. I'm terrible bad for names lately, specially in this game... we were there just for fun and also because Xeneca need it the place for some reason, and I was not expecting any loot as well, only fused relics that I could use to improve my weapons and perhaps some runes, and I got some, quite enough in fact,

We, killing some fire guy, Lots of fire and lots of eyes in that fight...

*Castlevania soundtrack*

This fight was terrible boring if you take in mind that the other two involved a bit more of strategy.
Until the adds appeared... of course.
Soon after we ended that fight, I ended few quests left in Mirkwood and reached lvl 65 for good, and even if I love so much Mirkwood, I decided to leave it at the middle since I still had Enedwaith and Dunland to visit. My first road was directly to Dunland in where in fact I completed several quests at the Bonevales but following some advices from Belsar, our kin leader, I step back to Enedwaith and take advantage of those quests that will help me to reach lvl 75 without doing any daily at Isengard for Exp rewards.

It was in Dunland where I found out that I was wrong all the time. complaining about my Minnie when she was leveling was completely unnecessary. Minnies were not that hard to level up taking in mind that most of your attacks had second effects, such as fear, stun or slow movement... And most of them were instant and you could cast them on the run. I had some troubles in Dunland with the skeletons at the Bonevales and those quests took me a while, I was draining my power so fast and the damage was not the best damage ever so  it was there when I asked for help in the forum.

Not yet Dunland... but soon... veeeeeery soon...
Enedwaith its not a bad place to leveling up, yet I was expecting to get ready a little bit faster than usual for raids and instances and that means: Dunlands. Going back into the last zone that I were with Varsalla is more like a Deja vu, its more than boring... its quite like a boring Deja vu. All the quests were so fresh in my mind that I was aware about almost everything that could happened and I worked as a touristic guide for Guaguanco, the Runekeeper, in venturing inside those lands.

Me in Dunland, escaping from wolves that are labelled as
Ancient evil. Goats that are also labelled as Ancient evil and Boars...
Also, ancient evil...
one of my old skill: "Useless screen" its passive and cost no power.
Today I reached lvl 66 with Khas, it took me a bit since I were mostly running up and down, marking some paths and cleaning a bit my bank. but finally I'm ready in the extra 10 levels of Isengard, hopefully I'll be 68 before leaving Enedwaith so Dunland its not going to be easier but also fast and my hit cap will occurs before Isengard dailies :)

Believed or not, this post took me at least 1 hour and a half, lots of things going up at work right now and my duties insist to keep me away from the screen. I have to go, again, so I will be back later, possibly with a random post since I didnt had enough time for screen in the past few days. :( Have a good day my friends and good luck!

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