martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

Almost the end...

With the end of the Epic quest chain book in Angmar, its going to be usual the fact that you have to play many, many sessions... As Laerdan, as one elf friend of Narmeleth or even as a Angmarin that has nothing to do with the tale, doing some weird quests.

When I was doing this quest chain few weeks ago, I was quite angry due all the travelling of the chain, but not only the travelling but the distances, for example, you are in Rivendell and they send you to Angmar just to talk with Golodir, once in Angmar, Golodir tells you that you have to go back to Rivendell and notify the news to Elrond, which you agreed, then once in Rivendell, Elrond tells you to go again to Angmar... honestly, are they aware that we are in the middle of the war? Why do they have to send you everywhere one time and another just to deliver mssgs? why not using another messenger?

All that was getting me tired, in fact, I left the chain several times, had horrible times while exploring Angmar, Forochel (With the horrible weather) and the quests were not of my level (I was already maxed) and they only had as a reward the silver to pay the trips and maybe some items, but no LI experience. Wasting my time? Yeah, it could be, but not everything is so bad, I mean, Narmeleth history is quite good (Even if they do some not unexpected things at the ring with the *SPOILER ALERT* destruction of Narchuil... you know, cutting her hand and then she throwing the ring into the lava it's quite the same as loosing one finger and let the sneaky guy fell into the lava with it)

Anyway, this post is about two of the sessions of the Epic book, once under the skin of the Angmarin which is quite good since it has to be a lot with your history (Yes, your character) and the other is with Laerdan, a overpowered elf of Lindon.

This is the Angmarin that you can use...

trala-lala-laaa *hits with the sword* killing worms!
The quests of this Angmarin were maded to make you "not loose" your time, once under his skin you realize that the worst enemy of your enemy are themselves. A catacombs filled with worms, some orcs sleeping and even a troll sleeping are your quests in this part, slow quests since this guy hits really weak with each strike... Yet, at the end, we can see Amarthiel interrogating Laerdan about the ring and his powerfull will avoiding the interrogation..

Yeah, break his leg Narmeleth! eat him alive!

If this way is not working at all...

Maybe this will... Muahahahaha
It's amazing how everyone fall into this trap at least once, I mean, I was like "Hey! Laerdan! she is not Narmeleth, it's Amarthiel under Narmeleth disguise, she JUST disguised in front of you!" while Laerdan was telling her all that she need to know about the ring and Eregion...


After that interrogation, this story links with your arrival and your attack (When you rescue Laerdan from the grasp of Angmar), you can even hear the sorcerer saying: "Here comes the (Your race), we aware!" I really loved that part, it was quite good and at least you know that you, in a previous quest, kill your you-Angmarin.

Right after that you are told to visit Rivendell to talk with Glorfindel and he sends you to talk with Elrond and then, you both, talk about the fate of Laerdan.. which is obviously another session play but this time under the skin of Laerdan. I have almost no screens with him, but I'm gonna say that he is quite powerful, several attacks, ranges and melee, and you can take down several orcs without the inspiration buff...

Oh, hai there!
In this place the last part is basically "survive the endless wave of Angmarins" strategy, she will depart to somewhere else and several Angmarins, a truly endless wave of them will replace her until 1 minutes ends in were they are going to trap you alive.

Sorry, got no time for you... guys, grab this insolent elf!
Now you know the fate of Laerdan, he has been captured again by the enmy and this time seriously wounded but one thing is for certain: You can't attack right now and save him coz you need to go to CELONDIM, then to BREE, then to BARROW DOWNS, then to BREE, then to CELONDOM, then to FOROCHEL... thanks to the Valars Laerdan must have like 900lts of blood in his body, a normal elf with 4 - 5 lts would have died bleeded while you do all that travelling.

Went to Barrows downs and failed at searching what I need it...
I was not ready to go again to Forochel but seeing that I was ending the true end I decided to ride even against my will, the snow storms and the horrible vision range were still wandering in my nightmares.. but this time, I got a nice surprise... i got a decent, even nice, weather in those frozen wastes...

Well.. yeah.. it's kinda pretty... kinda...
All that I need it from that place was the hide of a ancient dead dragon... but as always...

WILL! or BILL! I dont remember how I named you few days ago,
what are you doing here?
The bad guys were not always a step ahead from me, they were at least 5 or 6 steps and this was getting to ugly for me, yet, these quests were easy and I was ready to confront Amarthiel in the last part of this epic quest, my blood was thirsty of her blood! and the worst of all is that any LI was getting any exp! >.<

Well... This is nice...
Today is going to be a day dedicated to Narmeleth, so they are going to be lots of spoilers ahead, take precautions if you haven't completed (ever) this quest, for the moments, I will go, gotta things to do, good luck and have the best hunting ever my friends!

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