jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011


Yes my friends, Enedwaith, I´m just right there doing some quests and getting some tokens that I´m not so sure if I´m going to use since all the rewards, except maybe the horse, are not as good as what I have right now. The reason why I decided to visit Enedwaith was simple: I had to.

When you are in Eregion, or at least when I was there, I had this curiosity about Enedwaith that I could not satisfied in the moment, only the frontier had some Shieldbearers lvl 65 waiting for any absent minded player to try to cross the river so they could get and kill, and I was so exceited for Moria that dying just to see Enedwaith was not my principal idea after all. But I knew that somewhere behind those lands, well, in those lands, a bunch of lvl 65 were fighting against the forces of what ever it is there and aiding the grey company to travel south and meet with Aragorn.

And today, after completing all the skirmishes from Mirkwood.. yes, all of them... again... I decided to spent 15 minutes of my life riding to Eregion, Echad Mirobel and then riding again to Echad "Something" to quest up. my first impression of this zone is not bad, in fact, I think that I got lucky taking in consideration that this is a lvl 65 zone... I ran to two rare monsters and got 2 mithril flakes :)

The Black dens... the most cheating zone EVER.
The first quests were somehow simple, except perhaps for the Black Dens quests, starting for the rescue of the ranger that was atop of the rock. I died at the end of the fight against that elite creature and, lucky me I guess, when I returned to the zone the quest was still on and the Npc had killed the foul elite beast.

This quest makes you a bit paranoic.
Inside the cave in the Black Dens there's a qust of searching for some scrolls and quenching some purple torches, this cave its not hard for their citizens since most of them are normal shadow dogs with a Nasty +20% damage output that could be dispelled with one of my anthems... the trouble were actualy them AND the elite wolves that were roaming the cave...

This zone is open and wide, and like all the new zones of Lotro, huge as well. its a bit different from what Eregion is like but it does not make a contrast like Rivendell and misty moutains (For example). The grees grass and the small hills welcomes you to a peacefu, yet with lots of enemies, open area to quest and gather items for crafting or selling. Each quest gives you a medallion of the wild that i'm not so sure what I'm gonna do with them, some of the can be obtained several times doign a repatable quest  while others are just one shoot, like the golden medallions, which so far (And I'm right now half of the map).

More wolverines...
Even if this zone is been under the rangers watch, things are a bit out of control even for them. At the beginning, some f the are were lost or kidnapped, the deserters controls a great area of Enedwaith and the swamp, in where I'm leveling, is quite creepy and dammed.. worst of all..

You loot dead hobbits instead of humans :(
The zone have a lot of resources for woodworkers and miners, I found at least 30 nodes and piles of each material while I was doing quests, but for scholars the things are a little bit rough, I saw some ruins yet I didnt explore them with a cautious eyes, yet I found none materials in there and no even in dead humanoids mobs.

As usual, you are sent to defeat the evils.. alone and by yourself.
After being in Eregion or Mirkwood, I must say that the ruins in Enedwaith are not that impressive, I mean, I saw some huge buildings and stuff yet, they were somehow plain... I'm no expert in the matter but I'm a fanatic of them, and even trollshaws have better ruins than Enedwaith. Still, my hopes are still high as I remember that I have a LOT of road to walk and several places to visit.

Ack! Ruins! ruins!

aahh... what tha...?
Yet, there's a swamp not so far from the Gloomglens that its pretty sick and awesome and the will'o'whisp got a new special attack that is not only awesome, but its AWESOME... sadly, I forgot the screen of the attack.. but I can explain it: Its a blinding attack that actually BLINDS you, is not just a simple debuff that says: "Blind: +20% chance to miss"... it has that icon yet, also, blinds your screen with bright awfully colors so you, as player, can't see a thing.

I guess that I can say that I'm like the zone, still in contest... some things are awfully yet, some others are just awesome... I have hope that at the end of this, the result of the fight points toward as Enedwaith as a winner and I can say that I just found a new favourite zone. Hardly its going to defeat Eregion but maybe it can pass, for far, Trollshaws or Evendim.

By the way... I have to go buut I will say this sick thing first... In Enedwaith you can fight with a distant cousin of the goblins that looks like hobbits... yes... hobbits with claws and hostiles... Well, with that, I will go to work a bit more, good luck everyone and see you later! have a great hunting!

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