jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Her... who is her?

I really dont want to know right now exactly, but I have that question inside my head flying around like a crazy dragon. I mean, She seems to be important (Not only because she is interrogating Varrick, who knows how to tell a story, by the way, sometimes, some things are just awesome, like when he explains how we entered into his Brother house. Or the very beginning of the game and my tale about killing Darkspawns) but also becuase she is called "The seeker of the Chantry", she looks awesome in her awesome, is qite pretty and... Well, can't be sure, but she says that I'm the biggest trouble on earth or somethign like that...

Varrick is a good fellow... He always want to explain everything
in the right way...

And she (looking good, right?) can't understand that...

I wonder if I could get her armor some day... coz I know that she wont be
on my group, anyways... 
So far, I only know that I did something horrible, something wrong, something cataclysmic and she is hunger of justice and revenge... What I did? hard to say, This tale is telled by Varrick and he only knows, in fact, she also knows but she wont tell you a simple thing, since she loves to play with the questions and with feelings. maybe, that makes her more sexier... Nah, it can't be, must be the armor...

Would be awesome if you explain that to me...

This game its getting better as I go further into it. Kinda dark and sometimes a bit predictible, I'm pretty sure that if you are in a trouble and answer everything with the neutral position, you can get both good and bad, half and half proportion, results.

Well, gotta admit that the game is quite good, and sometimes good enough to make me forget to get screens to post, today I'll be more diligent with that, for now, I have few posts... Yet, yesterday I got Varrick's brother, I flirted too much with Isabel and we ended in the bed... well, not too much, only 2 flirts... Can't be sure if that makes her a easy lady or makes my character a easy lady... And I was looking forward to make my character fall in love with the blood mage elf, she looks funnier.

I'll guess that I'll make a Archer male and I will flirt with her...
She reminds me to that Geek researcher from No Ordinary Family...
No reason in fact.. she dont even look alike.

ANYWAY... I helped Anders with some troubles with the Templars... actuall, that was funny, everyone died and I applied the old samurai tecnique: Run and make the bug, so you can kill them one by one.

I got a new, brand sword that look better than my Mace:

The oath-breaker! Quite a great mace, kinda nasty and stuff...
But it's a mace...

NOW... this... a bit weaker, but looks good. Good enough for me.
What would bring dragon age II today? Can't be sure, maybe a bit more of my dark tale, maybe I will go and erradicate al the "sister of silence" or "invisible sisters", whom, to be honest, are becoming a pain. Yesterday I killed like 50 of them and they were all the time waiting for me in the hightown at night. Good thing is that I got the Quest to go into her base and seek answers or at least to erradicate them as well. :)

Well, have a good night friends! I gotta go! enjoy the time and good hunting!

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