martes, 19 de julio de 2011

Thedas is not a safe place...

I got my screens today :) I did not forgot. But the reason which I didnt forgot was because I wanted to say something, as a advice: If you ever (If is possibly) go to Thedas (Dragon age 2 lands, where Kirkwall is at) dont go alone... I was kinda freak out when I was playing and I realize that there's more corpses on the floor than open barrels...

And I'm not kidding...

First corpse at the wounded coast... such a awesome name for a coast, right?

Oh.. look.. another corpse... let's get the loot!

Ok... another corpse... is this not weird enough?

Well.. at least this one have lot of time here... only bones...
oh, look, that's also my graphic trouble :(

So, after those dead guys in the SAME quest... I decided to go inside the caves, after all, I had to save a kid inside those caves and kill some Tal-vorash or something like  that... Qunaris, horned awesome-looking Qunaris, to be especific... but...

Eer... I'm starting to freak out people...

Ok... have anyone seen a BARREL in this game? or people are the new barrels in the game O.o

Hey! Look! a chest!!! ugh! and a corpse as well >.<!! 
Another corpse... guys... I think that this is the way... it HAS TO BE the way...
So I finally confronted those guys, which their screens are goin to be in the next post with my awesome attacks and heroics poses of chaos and destruction, I had the chance to talk to them, offer them cookies and give them a huge hug and a big smile... or kill them... so, since I'm afraid of their horns, I decided to kill them...

Awesome battle I must say, this game is focused to have fun in many way, I basically play with the others and almost zero strategy, I focus only myself in my main character and let the others do their magic. (My party have two casters, so yes, that's the best term) and the other to snipe them from affar.

When everything was complete I decided to take a lot in the upper floor, where a caster was giving me hell and my sniper, Varric, killed... and guess what?

Wait a second.. I was pretty sure that there was a Qunari in here... But this is a
human corpse! Dern! Dern Maker! Dern!
I played like... 2 hours, most of that time I was yelling at the decisions that I had to take and think them well, also, I died once, trying to kill some guy that I'll be spoiling later... and in all that time, this were the last corpses that I found, previous of this place at least 6 or 7 more corpses were in the floor, and at least 3 or 4 piles of bones...

Thedas is not a safe place my friend. Blight? I'm not scare of the Blight... I'm scare of the entire place right now >.<

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