jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Back Into Lotro!

Well, the Internet issue is over, patiente won over... wait... Patiente didnt won... I almost died out here, you know?

Today I woke up in my regular lotro Schedule to make my stay at work a bit more happier, but since I change a bit in this last 3 weeks, it cost me a entire world of horror to fulfill my goal. anyway, I logged into Lotro just a bit and I played with Varsalla once more.

And with "Played" I mean more like, I used a goat and I move myself into the Twenty halls and maybe I did a small part of  quest. After playing all these other kind of games, i need to say that going back to the normal gaming movement feels weird... really weird, thanks to the valar is just matter of time to fix that and I know that for tomorrow night I´m going to be like I always been :) Lost and hugging the floor in Moria.

I took some screens, and I´m gonna share them all with you my friends, of course, but first I need to say this: "Dear ISP, by this time I could be already lvl 63, maybe not too high, but close to, at least level 59... with the most sarcastic part of my heart, I thank you again..."

The first screen was taken in the second age of the human, when I used to had a normal ISP routine and everything was good enough, almost a month ago...

I didnt knew that the male Bat-ppl looked like the
Main character of Gargoyles but skiny...

"Hey, what´s up?"
My first image of Varsalla was this one, and I almost cried.. nah, I´m lying, but i could say that I was jumping in happines, goig back into lotro is going back into Blogspot Woot!

Of course, like when you are going outside your house and you start to check that you have your keys, cellphone, ID and other things, i started to check in my inventary to see what i have in there and what I could sell... A good thing is that I must have done that before this issue since my back pack was full of thing, but at least usefull things to use.. and an new legendary book and legendary sword that i got with the rusty tools of the Dwarves.

A new one hundred percent healing book, eventually, i´m gonna need it I guess.

And a shiny sword of destruction, so far the most brutal dps weapon that I have in progress.
I forgot few things about Moria too, like you dont have any horse in there, and you have to prove yourself worthy to get a goat with a lamp, that is quite HUGE and the enemies are EVERYWHERE, and it´s dark, damp, you can hear weird noises and everything smells bad... Yes, just looking at the screen I know that Moria stinks at goblin´s filth!

But we have to admited: It´s beautiful!

-awwwwww <3 Does that works?
-Awwwwww not fair...

It would be awesome if this thing, honestly, could give moria a better light inside.

The new town where I´m gonna do some quests, so far,
everything seems easy... "seems" is the code word in here.

My first kill in three weeks! WOOT!
and as you can see, I´m going right now to spend a bit of time in here, so I´ll leave you with this small intro of what my return could be! Today I´ll conquerer this place and help those dwarves to reclaim their city! See you in a bit good friends, and have a great time! Good hunting as well :)

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