lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

Thinking in RP...

Yesterday, while I was waiting for Rodrass to pick me up to go to Esteldin (And yes, I was being extremely lazy and I didnt want to take the horse there...) I was walking in Tinnudir and I saw this guy, alone, in front of the campsite and at one side of the minstrel trainer with the flute who is always playing the same tune.

Koldcat, the guy at the Campsite.

Smoking pipe, enjoying the fire, the smell of... whatever they are cooking there, the everlasting tune, watching at the sky and the dusk-time of the game-day-hour-stuff... And made me wonder about some Roleplaying. maybe he was just waiting for someone or he was AFK in the coolest way ever in the game, but one thing or another: Made me about Roleplaying.

I must have a post about roleplaying, not so sure where exactly but must be one post in the first month. Roleplaying, for those who are like me (Lazy) and wont look into the archives of this blog-page, is playing this game in a complete new perspective. Not only Dps+dps+dps+dps+pull+dps style, but also living and acting as your character. Honesty, I like Roleplaying (as long ppl realize that this is just a game and it´s just for fun) a lot, and it´s not a secret that recently I have been playing Vampire: the Masquerade board game with some friends (Also, some posts in the past).

Varsalla is not a toon that could have a Roleplaying right now, no reason, it´s just that I´m not focused on her in this moment. Khas... Can´t deny that Khas Roleplaying background belongs to World of Warcraft, where the frist Khas was born... Serendis is right now used for some normal leveling with Rodrass so it could be kinda hard to keep a Roleplaying with her... Vadakia... She is out of league, still at lvl 8 or so... Noela... same, she is still lvl 15, yet she could have a great background (Usually Captains MUST have a great background... it´s a captain for god´s sake).

So, my only hope is: Vhaleria, the Warden.

Even if she is poisoned... of course.

As you know, I was crying about how horrible is playing with a Warden... until I try once more and now I find kinda hard to stop leveling with her, and since this character is leveling alone, and she is right now lvl 32... Roleplaying seems to be a agood stuff to keep in mind. (and yes, all my toons are tagged as roleplayers)

I still have no background for her... But I will, like for tomorrow or maybe two days ahead... top.

Dwalling Town, in Evendim, offers you the mythical Roleplaying players tonight...

And a town full of bad guys who wants to be kicked and killed...

Anyway, I´m going to far for the main theme... Roleplaying.

one good things about this game is that many quests are more like Roleplaying than just kill, kill, kill. Taking aside the horrible, torturing quests from the Northcotton Farm at south of Evendim, some quests allw your character to make several nice duties like carrying a mail-bag, a bucket of water, pies... chickens... Also, it has some glass-blowing stuff (That is just for fun and easy rewards on xp and gift mathom)

Like this quest... see? kinda nice :)

I wish I could have my spear also like that...
Not melted, but red as hell...

And eventually in Tinnudir I´m gonna be in a treasure hunt, some riddles and many other quests that could part of a nice Roleplaying session... Yet, there´s a problem: Other players who also does Roleplaying as well.

It´s not easy to find them (us) in the game, even if they are tagged with their names, titles and kin names in white (Which means roleplaying), some of the are quite reserved and they dont do open roleplaying. You see them running and jumping, speakign with words like "lol", "Btw", "OMG!" while they are "roleplaying" in he middle earth... So I´m gonna take that risk too, gonna search for a nice, decent and helpful roleplaying group to at least see how is the stuff in this game.

In WoW was basically drama... and low level characters who ended as the greatest demons ever... lvl 23... scaring a full tier 10 paladin (While we were on Lich king, of course)... hopefully, this is gonan be better... actually, it can´t be worst... 

By the way, I got 7 days free for WoW, I´m still thinking if I should use them. 7 Days in WoW can only mean passing by to say hello to my friends there, but nothing else more; I can´t see myself running again into isntances, reading or hearing players that thinks that they are the best thing ever and some rude chats about some players sucks and they should not be allowed on raids.

Well, I´m gonan sleep, see you tomorrow! hopefully i going to wake up and write a bit more :) Good luck everyone, and have the best of the huntings ever!

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