miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

Back again... To Moria.

Moria its like that bad guy that never dies, not because you dont want it dead, but because theres always a way that he escapes or maybe, at least, dont get killed. I´ve done most of the quests in lórien, in fact, I´m sure that I only have dailies in there right now which freaks me out a bit, so I decided t end up with my book quests as well, to save some experience points from Mirkwood and Enedwaith.

Those books always sent me back into Moria, this time to aid the elves that Celebron sent to Aid the dwarves... Well, at least I´mgoing to have a great army with me and I´m doing it because Gimli asked me too, not because Celebron told me too, or Galadriel... No, Gimli himself (Legalos was there too) realize that he could not help the dwarves in Moria so he decided to ask me to do his work there. I could not say "no".

Me and my mighty Goat... Krimga I think, I can´t remember it name.
The quest was simple, go inside a cavern and find out what was going on inside of it. The elves that Celebron sent were expecting me inside and ready for action. Sadly, that was what I thought for a bit, but then just saw that the elves were no more than civilians without weapons or armor, only dresses. They gave me the right instruction: Go deep down and see what it´s causing all of this, so I did.

This cave is quite a maze... be ready and memorize the path.

Gah! Globsnagas! hate you all!

Uh-oh... last boss...
Well, this was part of my improved absent mind feat. I walked around the enemy and this guy was not even looking at me, totally ignored by the enemy, then I read the quest log and it says that I had to apply one strategy from some elf in the campment above. Sadly, I tookthe quest so far that I totally ignored the fact that I didnt know the special "strategy" of this guy.

So he was kinda ignoring me... leaving me no option than go back and fight my way
(Again) to the elven camp.
 This part was dissapointed... I was expecting a awesome strategy but it was more like:

*elf in the middle* Well, you must walk down way my friend until you see a enemy of huge proportions;
once you are near, wake him up and kill it!

Not lying: even the frog, after listening the quest, it ays: "Ribbit, ribbit"
When I was like: "That´s all your magnificent plan?"

Here I go.. use the stone until...

Holy mother of... sorry, sorry, I was not my intention!

JA! Yes, it was my intention to kill you rocky-magma fellow!
Since the end of the quest was mostly like running and forgetting that I was being chased, I wait until I reached the elvish camp to feing death, it was a good plan after all. it worked!

see? they think that I´m dead :3

Well, gotta go again, sorry guys! good luck and have a great hunting as well! I´ll be back in a bit (Hopefully) or inthe game if you need me for anything.

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