jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Another instance like

Yup, I did another instance like that I didnt had in mind. As long as you are in Moria, and maybe in somewhere above as well, the mobs have a chance to drop some garnets that you can empored and with tham you can gain some scrolls that adds to the weapon a title.

Not the normal name that you can add to the weapon, but a title, like Dark-banisher, which allows the weapon to make a extra damage to Ancient Evil. You have plenty of them, one for each type of enemy, but obviusly I picked that one. Sounds nice, right? yeah, that was the only reason hehe.

I had few of those, like 10, so I started the instance that is at Dolvin view, or something like that, you know how hard are this dwarven names for me, especially in Moria. Anyways, the instance was kinda fast, yet I need to say that I died once, I was too confident about the enemies there and fo some reason, one Brutal Orc double shooted me...

This is the screen of the beginning...
The instance is quite forward, there´s no way to get lost in there, just follow the path and kill the goblins and the orcs as well, and dont forget to loot them, or course. You need some Mithril to work out the garnet. At the end, there´s a signature guy that hits hards and he can heal himself...
This one... So far this is the signature that took me more effort
in battle...

And he almost killed me, but I yelled at the end so hard that he died in the place. a hot shot in fact, If I would have missed the attack I´ll would have been the one in the floor in the next screen, for sure :)


The weird thing is that at the end of the instance.. look how many legendary weapons I got..

not bad for a small quest like instance and nothing more of play-time... right?

Yup, after this instance like I decided to quit for the day, has been a long day for me and few thigs just got worse at the end of the day; so there´s a good chance that sleeping I´ll get better and rested for tomorrow. I´m gonna leave you friends with this adcive that I like a lot, for some reason makes me laugh each time I read it.


Good night, and good luck! have a great hunting!

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