viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Vadakia, my rune-keeper

I decided to make a small review of all my alts, To rest a bit of Goblins in Moria and Orcs in Moria... Yet, not of Moria. Since Varsalla needs (And its a must) reach the craftng lvl of this zone, I´ts gonna take a bit longer that expected and I´m not in the mood to make several crafting posts.

So, I grabbed one of my 6-sided dices from my roleplay arsenal and the result was 4. Vadakia my Runekeeper. First of all, I must say again that I used to have a Runekeeper time ago, but when the need for a minstrel struck in my mind, I have to get rid of one of my toon so the Rune-keeper was the first in going out.

Vadakia! (Yes, I took this screen recently, the only thing that changed
was the color of her armor)
Few months laters, like almost 2, I decided to buy a Character slot to explore the classes that I didnt had explore and the Rune-keeper was always in my mind as first option. And since Elves males are not the best design, in my taste, and the Dwarves wearing tunics are not my type... I went again for a Female Elf.

The method for playing a Rune-keeper is easy: "Pew-Pew fast" because that´s what they do: the kill fast. And their spellss animation aren{t bad, to be honest. I like them a LOT:

Pew! Pew! Pew, Pew, Pew, Pew!

Burn, you Ethereal floating thing! BUUUUURN!

The only bad thing is that some of their spells are kinda slow at the beginning, like the one with the fire circles and stuff. And in the Intro zone could be a pain. After few quests, I decided to end thiz zone before work, It is quick and really, really necessary since today I wont be playing at night, tomorrow I´ll be not loosing time at the moment to level her up a bit, at least to lvl 10.

Yeah.. let´s go and see how Skorgrim ressurect for fifth time!

I need to say that this is kinda funny...All this magic, teather and stuff
just to say: "I have awoke"... Reminds me at school...

Poor door.. of all the changes in the game, they couldnt leave it alone...
What I dont like too much about this place is that you need to run, and run, and run, and run... yes, you have some fights in between, but mostly is running and running.

Like run...

and run...

Now, there´s one thing that I do not understand, I dont remember why Elves and Dwarves are not friends at all..? yet, in this place, three elves and two dwarve makes a great team together and are, also, working side to side, to clear this place from the evil reign of a comon enemy...  After this intro, I know why they say in the books that the dwarves were to busy to help... but why do they say that elves and dwarves are not friends?

ah.. hey.. HEY! wait! Are we gonan leave the Elves inside this cavern?
Are you nuts! you filfthy dwarf! *Rages*
Anyway... At the end, I returned to a more civilized place, such as Celondim...

Good to be in a OPEN place...
Rune-keeper are fun.. at least at lvl 6. I´m gonna take more time for her and her adventures, as long as Varsalla is going well in Moria. Maybe I could find a healer in this lady and a Dps in Varsalla.... this sounds good enough for me, I like more Healing over time than solid healing...

Gah, I need to go to work, good luck friends! I´ll see you later for sure, and have a great hunting!

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