martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

From my To do list...

I did nothing really.. well, I only wroked on my background once I arrive home, but nothing else that a thrid skecth. I tried to run inside the Great Barrows and for some reason those guys were hard to kill. I remember that some posts ago.. lots of post ago, I say that one of the things hat I like about this game was how hard it was getting and no matter how high level you where, it was hard to kill the bosses right there.

Well, I killed a guy, who was a boss I think, that at the end drops lots and lots of acid worms and a chest to loot... with Marks and bounty rewards and stuff. But after that guy, I got lost, but L-O-S-T. inside that place and strated to talk with the friend´s of the Kin. And for some reason I went out, walked to Thorin´s halls, got my Windwill for the house and my Toy version of the Windmill... Which both of them are actually pretty cool IF you have a hobbit house or maybea human house...

Sadly, mine is Elvish style, is it makes it just a bit... Unusual... I will take a screen today of my home and stuff,I have benworking hard to ake it a better lace. In fact, yesterday I got some new items for it, bookshelfs, tables, the both Anniv. items; it´s kinda great right now.. And also I paid the upkeep (I usually forgot about that).

But what it was left of the list, I must say that my head was somehwere else, between having a hard time at work and a horrible time with my girlfriend, I´m basically stuck at a point that it seems that  I care about nothing; a point that hopefully once al of this is solved, is going back to normality.

Well, also I went to sleep earlier.. to woke up earlier... and I did! Woot! I woke up at 6:10 when I was expecting to woke up at 6:30, to be ready to drive at work at 8:10! Then, I fell asleep and I just woke up, and it´s already 8:21, so I gotta go! good luck everyone! I wish you the best day ever and a great hunting!

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