jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Is Lothlórien a quest pack?

Yes, I know that is kinda weird that I, at this lvl of the game, have that question running in my mind. But I do remember that few days ago Lotro had a special sale for some zones with a slogan: "Follow the road of the Fellowship" with a pic about a group that... didnt look like the fllowship but I think that was intended to be like... Anyways, in that sale four zones were on sale: Eregion (Which I pruchased), Moria, Misty Mountains (I think) and for sure Lothlórien...

And I searched for each one trying to decided which one was a great option for me and I'm sure that Lothlórien was not there. This was weird but I thought that MAYBE I got it in the past... Sadly, now I'm sure that I didnt got it in the past, and now checking at the Lotro wiki page I'm looking at it and makes me wonder few other things...

Did I got it with Moria? Did I got it in another time? Did I got lucky and got it for free? Am I that absent minded that I'm unable to see it? Did they added the place few months ago? (While I was in WoW again)

It's weird... I know that I have Misty Mountains, Forochel, Enedwaith and Mirkwood waiting to be pruchased but not so sure now... ah, it's horrible to have that doubt when I'm at work and I can't check it...

Well, I'm going back to work, just wanted to say hello again and see if any of you could answer me my doubt :s

Have a great day (Or what its left for it in this side of the world) and good luck my friends! great hunting as well!

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