lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Dark corners of the Earth.

Have you ever read H.P. lovecraft? If you do it's maybe you love the horror style novels, and without any doubt Lovecraft is quite a great member in this kind. Its not only the spooky horror like "Oh my god! i saw a ghost!" But most like that kind of horror that engulf all your fears just to create a mass, without any form with several eyes that calls your name in the darkness and you are like "Holy...".

Some fears are never truly healed, as the main intro of the game says, and Lovecraft is the one that worked hard to make them real. So is this game from Bethesda: Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.

Oh yeah!
When this game came out a friend of mine had it and he didnt wanted to play it. this caught my curiosity since he is a huge fan of Lovecraft and, since I'm just a pain in the mind sometimes, asked him as least 40 times about it and he always gave me the same answer: Its to damn scary.

How in the earth a game can be THAT scary? I thought... So I got it and decided to play it by myself, at night, alone at home. just to prove him that he was quite wrong.

And god he was not.

Creepy is just not enough sometimes, sometimes is kinda: "Meh, I knew it" in in others i was like "AAAAAAAARRRGH!! By the hand of Gul'dan! What the hell just happened??!". Based in the Shadow over Innsmouth book, this game makes you crawl, run, walk, jump and scream like a little baby in the town of Innsmouth several times trying to escape from your enemies: the ones that live there.

But hings are just not only that. I wish. Aside that, you have to uncover a mistery about yourself and about some thing that lives in the water that this fellows adore as god and godness, Father Dagon and mther Hydra. In this game the bullets, axes and knives are not your only enemies, as in any book of lovecraft, you can end as your own most dangerous enemy ever... Yes, your toon can go crazy sometimes if you look at several horrible things.

Which the game is full of it, of course.

This is were you can save from time to time.. oh.. wo.. sorry friend I didnt want to.. er... *run away*

Stuff like this is so normal in the game... SO normal in the game.

Creepy things... nasty things.. Unknow things...

You.. just look at your face, it's like "Oh god, oh god, I wanna wake up, I WANNA WAKE UP!"

Since I dont have internet because my company sucks, I'm gonna play this game to make a hopefully safely review... or become crazy in the attempt.

Well, I have to go, good luck friends! and have a great hunting! But first...

Muahahahahaha... wait.. what?!
Oh.. sorry... this one...


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