miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

My house...

Yes, I decided to leave Moria for a bit, like 30 minutes, due all the kills that I get always for those Goblins with bats... Not so sure, but even if those bats dies with almost one AoE attack, i think that they have alot of evade stuff. They are for me even harder to kill than Orcs Signatures, which is weird. Not talking aboutif by bad, horrible, luck I get two of them with the 6 bats alive.

So, to avoid my complining and whining about Moria, in a place that I dont like at all (Which is Durin´s something) I decided to go home and make it a better place. The reason why is pretty simple, I´m paying a freaking upkeep of 150 silver per week for almost nothing... I mean, I have a house, but honestly, how many times do I go there?

So, the time to go home and make it a better place has begun. While in the auction house things are sometimes extremely expensive and other time they are almost for free, I got some bookshelfs, a nice statue of a saber cat, a new bed and few other things for my home.

Well... Yes... I have a scarecrw...And a Hobbit Windmill... they are not *that* ugly

The first room of my home. cozy, right?

"Above the Weathertop" is the most counterfeit (or falsified, blame google translator)
painting ever in the game...

My thropy room, I have more
hanged stuff, but they are from fishing, so, meh...

This is how the Windmill should be looking like...
But the big one is still bugged.

And my room... with my ugly bed...
They need to add a Deco items preview first... good bye 200 silver!

Well, after I used all the items, put them in the orientation that I wanted, tetted the ones that could be tested and checked all my personal vaults... I decided to take a break from Lotro, I´m still confronting my defeats recently.. I thik that I need a champion or captain partner to lvl up... Being such low armor is kinda "meh".

Good luck my friends! and have a great hunting!

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