sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

Finishing the epics..

Yet, I also got one more complete, 7 of 8 to go.

Since I´m a grown up Minnie, I decided to take my way back into Angmar to kick, hit and spit my enemies faces once more. Looking at the quest on my log I saw that I was avoiding the fact that I need to end those freaking epic quests if I want to complete that deed and get my title. Which right now, I dont remember which one is... something like "A light in the darkness" or whatever.

So well, I went to Rivendell, and then i realize that maybe going to my house was even easier to reach Angmar. Sadly, it wasnt, since I wanted to visit Tinnudir to get some new deco for my house, I had to take the long, escenic, route.

After almost a hour, yes, one hour... Not kidding... riding from Ered Luin to Angmar; well, I know that I made few stops and got some few good things, like all the decos from the wardens and stuff. Anyway, I finally arrived to the Council of the north and started to do the quest, searching for the missing ranger with his daugther.

Killing evil men and Trolls... that´s all about.

This instance is kinda easy, as what progression means, there are not hard fights and unwanted things.. besides trolls, of course. If you manage to kill at time the three small slaves that appears each time she is looking the corpses, then your fight is gonna really easy.

after doing the normal killings and stuff, you found out that they have a extra friend...

See that giant? is not hard to kill... and he can be controlled a bit with fear spells.
In fact, i just shouted him in that screen... that´s why he is running back. :)

You know, the bigger they are, the hard and easy they fall :)
The place is quite a creepy escenery, this weird gree, gloomy fountain in the middle fot his part adds the lovely touch that you just had entered in a forgotten, malefic and weird place that oyu are going to love so much.

I wish I could have one of this for my house...
Maybe in the future.
Well, and in here is where the last fight of this chapter starts...

Dont we should knock first...?

Oh.. Hai... sorry for boethering but we are here in the name of the free people and we like to.. wait.. is he injured?

Gah! Why we just can have a normal chat?!
For this fight, things were nasty enough. Good luck that I had a Hope token with me, strong one, +5 to hope to counter the dread that this guy adds to all the players. So, if you need an advice: get one beofre going into this place. when I was lvl 49 I tried to do it and I failed horrible, between the missing spells and the dread, it was a total waste of time. Specially fro us,  the minstrel :)

After this place, I had to quit for a couple of hours... I died like 4 times in a row and mostly for jumping from heights that I shouldn´t in the first quest of the 8 chapter S: but right now I´m going back to the place and complete it.

So, good luck my friends! and have a great hunting!

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