martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

I didnt forgot the Flash-drive!

Well, yesterday I reached home kinda late, like at 11 pm maybe 11.30 pm. I wanst working that late at all, I was in the office but waiting for some art printings for a expo that we had to delivered today and since the plotter had that little "lovely" thing about dropping the art prints to the floor, out of the security cloth... few of us have to wait until everything is done.

Yet, my point is, that the first thing that I didnt when I arrived home was having a glass of some artificial drink, orange-flavored, then I saw 2 of my 3 little dogs fighting to get a small toy and I stare to them for a while... Maybe I was hoping for a more savage fight or maybe I was wating for one of the to grow tired, but none of those things happened so I had to grab the toy and leave it above the table. I'm not evil, I'm a judge in the trouble. Anyway! When I arrived home, and I saw my cat sleeping all over the bed, the first thing that I got in mind was: Go to sleep.

But I remembered the Screens of DSII, so I grabbed my flash-drive and then I took a shower and then to sleep.

SO! today, I'm gonna talk about Dungeon Siege II...

The story of Dungeon Siege II is pretty simple at the beginning: You are a mercenary who is working with the bad guy, trying to retrieve a strange artifact from a old Dryad temple in the island of Greylin. As it's obvious, the bad guy arrives and owns you, kills your best friend and leave you to rot in the island. You woke up as prisioner of the Dryads (How nice, right?) and you have to prove yourself worthy to them in order to reach your home.

So, when they release you of your prison (With a ring over your neck that could kill you if you try to go as rebel) and send you to blow some towers, of course, they give you few things able to defend yourself in the wilderness...

Myself, Varsalla of Dungeon Siege II... with the party Neck-ring!

Myself (Again) with some decent gears that I got in my adventures.

The travel is kinda long, you have to cross a great part of the junlge only to find 4 towers in the road that blocks the road (At least).  One thing about this game that I do not like to much is that is a Lienar-based mode. You only have to walk forward if you want to complete the quests and end the game. Some quests, of course, sends you back and foward but it's not a free style like for example Lotro or WoW, or maybe Oblivion, or Neverwinter Nights and stuff like that that you can get lost in the huge map of the game.

This is one of the first towers of the game...

And this is how we roll on the Shire! eeeer... I mean... This is how you "unblock" the way. 
While you have the ring, which is a loooong part of the beginner's zone, you are almost alone. You can make a small group with Lothar or Deru, A Half-giant and a Dryad that are eager to seek some missions and fun and who knows what. And since I was melee and none of them were healers... I went alone.

Kill, kill, kill, loot, loot, loot...

I feel like the lost daugther of Shredder with this armor...
A cool thing to have in mind from this game is that you can make your toon in the middle of the way. I mean, as long you use something, you get better at it. If you use a lot of melee stuffs and some magics, even if you are going melee style, your affinity for the healing and nature magic is going to grown up a bit (a bit only...)

It's so great the feeling of punching a Pterodactyl in the face...
This game is kinda like Neverwinter or Baldur's gate, with WoW and Diablo together in the same glass, quests, drama, personal drama and character drama (Npcs that helps you can have side quests to get involve with them a bit more) and lots of Small bosses.

LOTS of them, LOOOOOTS!!!
Taar is one of my favourite characters in the game, is healer, kinda naive, healer, pretty, healer and healer. Sadly she likes to talk in almost every pixl in the game stopping your actions. While you are frozen listening to her you can see how a great number of enemies usually comes closer or you can try to listen to her until the enmies are closer... so always the dialogues ends at the middle. something like:

*Varsalla kills the last enemy at the entrance of the cave*
Taar: I wonder what are we going to find ahead.
*Varsalla turn and somehow she is frozen listen to Taar*
*Hordes of enemies are getting closer*
Taar: I know a little secret of this cave, there's a misterious secret chamber that contains...
*Dialogue ends and the fight starts, you kill them all*
*Varsalla looks at Taar anxious for the end of the previuos dialogue.*
Varsalla: You were saying....
Taar: What?
Varsalla: Secret chamber...
Taar: What secret chamber?
Varsalla: Gah.. nevermind...

Sadly.. She also has the first Side-kick story of the game, which is quite clumpsy, you only have to kill a great enemy hidden in the forest of the Ha'ku.

Getting the quest!

A somehow great animation!

The cave where Gargatuanx hiddes...

And "Gargantuax" is not of the size of the aniamtion...
but the half of your toon too.
Anyways, this guys is not "easy" if you are trying to go in a small group (2 players). You need a special dagger and lots of potions and spells. 

The rest of the game is basically go forward and forward. some great battles, nice quests, awesome quests, some great enemies and different things. For exampl, you can create your weapons at your like, obviusly at the beginning they are not going to be the best weapons ever, but they can be good enough. The Enchanting system is something that I enjoy a lot of this game. You can make that a single sword get a Ice, fire, lighting and improved min. or max. damage on it... at the same time. As deep as you go into the game, better enchanters are going to await for your gold with better reagents and more spaces to add them in your even better quality weapons.

Everyone has a nice and special attack waiting for you...

Sometimes, the healer can become melee and melee can become healer...
And horribly die in the attempt several times.

Well, to end with this post, this game is a good one, I like it a lot and I'm waiting without any doubt to the third part of the game. (Actually, I need to end this one and end the expa, I just got the expa so I dont know how the story ends) Also, I want to pruchase again the first game and the Expa of the first part as well, this is a Saga that is worthy, in my opinion, to have. Hopefully, in the third part they will get better.

One thing that I like.. is the armor desing. At the beginning you start as a clown, but eventually,
you can look like a nice, decent and brave clown :D eeer Warrior.. that's it.. Warrior...
Ughs... Kinda long this post right? I blame the fact that I'm still without internet at home so I have to resume my usually 4 posts per day recipe in one. Sorry for the extra of Info and for the boring post, as I say yesterday, you know that is not my intention :)

Have a great night and good luck my friends, and a great, great, hunting!

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

And I forgot the Flash-drive

So I have no screen of Dungeon siege II to show right now. You have no idea how mad I am at this moment with myself, yesterday I had everything planned for today, for at least one good post to show and now... Well, anyway, at least I have somethign old Diablo II screens from the past week.

SO! I'm gonna review a bit of Diablo II, it's a good thing since there's a new poll (Applauds) in which I'm asking which game I should be doing a review while this Internet Issue ends and I voted... Coz I'm evil and I vote on my own polls... and someone else voted too. I picked DSII (Since it's the one that Im playing right now) yet, out friend decided to go for Diablo II. It must be fate or somethign that I had this screens instead of the DSII.

Anyway, I can't remember where I left Khas the last time, but I'm quite sure that was before Blood Raven evils cemetary. The fight against this rogue is kinda ard for low levels, as you may know, she slows you with ice, she poisons you, she summons undeads... and all of this, using a range weapon. For Melee players this fight is usually a running fight, for us range is more like "I shoot, you shoot".

After killing her, I had to save Deckard Cain from Tristan, the old town from Diablo I where everyone was expecting the heroe to emerge victorious from the deeps of hell in his own personal fight against the DIablo itself. A good news is that our heroe won the battle (Of course, if he had not, there would be no Diablo II) and the bad news is that everything was part of a bigger plan of  Diablo to find a better and stronger recipent to be at. So, the mission is simple: Find a wierd tree, get a scroll from it, bring it to the town witch of your preference, open the portal, go inside, fight against EVERYONE, save the old dude, claim your reward... Easy, right?

Of course... no one tells you what lies in the

and a bit at the north of the middle as well... and in many other
parts around of the middle...

In this part of the game, there's a bad guy called in spanish something like "Puño de Madera de la copa del Arbol" which his name in english should be something like: "Woodfist of the top of the tree" (In a funny way, of course). This guy is evil. Hits hard, run faster and has plenty of friends with similar qualities that are after you.

Trust me, running and takign screens is not a easy task sometimes.

When he is dead, and all his minions are dead, as well as all the enemies in the Dark wood are dead.. you can reach the weird tree of Inifuss, where by some reason there is a scroll with the combination of runes to reach the sealed town of Tristan.

When they say: You will see the tree... They were not lying,
this is a unique HUGE tree model in the game.
At this point you were like:
Player: Hey, you! WITCH!
Akara: Oh, I see.. you have the...
Player: yes, yes, yes, I have it.. give me the freaking scroll...
Akara: Hmmm this is the most difficult part, it may take a...
Player: Oh, no, no, nonononononono, DO IT!
Akara: But...
Player DO EET!!!

And you finally get the scroll, so, you only have to reach some runes and open the portal to take a fast travel to the town of Tristan! Wohoooo! Tristan! Here I go!

Hmm quite easy this sequence... even if the model of the map dont match with the
runes at the stones... of course...

Seriously? This creepy portals takes me to the town...
For those who loves the first Diablo I game, Im quite sure that the musical theme of the town is just more than awesome. a calm, vibrant piece of art that at least you singed once while you where loading the game, talking about the game... even in the bathroom. The first time I went into Tristan I was excited, I couldnt believe that I could go inside the town and I do not had clear why I had to use a portal... my first thought was "Must be pretty far away"...

And... It was, but that's not the only reason.

Oh.. god.. what happened...?

Noooo! The tavern! You will die you fallen ones!
I knew you were going back again for the freaking sign!

Go, go, go! There's no time to lose in... Oh.. look! shinnies in the floor!
And of course, Blizz had to curse someone... literally...

Poor Griswold... you made the sword that owned Diablo...
I guess that I have no chance to get another, right?
Griswold is the Blacksmith from Diablo I, he gives you a quest to find the anvil of fury in where you could craft the only weapon able to kill Diablo once for all (Yeah.. right.. like he didnt knew that Blizz had Diablo II on mind already). Since he crafted that weapon, Diablo decided to give him a "reward" making of him a cursed undead that hits hard and twice. And drops a nice loot, of course.

A shinnie and expensive unidentify short staff...

And a shinnie short sword... not Griswold's edge, of course...
Do you see that skeleton on the floor? that used to be a Npc on Diablo I too.. poor guy...
Well, I'm about to end this long post, I dont want to bother you anymore with this, but I need to show this: There's a NPC called Wirt, who appear at first time in Diablo II. This little guy had the ability to sell you things that were obviusly in the black market. As he says. Those items were really expensive and some of them were mostly junk... yet, some, were unique items.

If you have played WoW, there's a mobs called Timmy (Which was a kid in Warcraft III who died with the plague and now he is a uber zombie... "uber" coz its like a boss in there.) who drops the leg of Wirt, a unique mace that seems to belong to the same Wirt in Diablo I. Well, this leg is lost somewhere after you use the Leg (Which in Diablo II is also a mace) in the Cube of Transmutation with a full tome of portal's scrolls to reach the sinister and evil world of the cows... No joking.. a world full of cows wielding two handed axes... *takes a long breath*

Wirt... after Diablo decided to show his face on Tristan.
I'm gonna try to reach this Cow stuff somewhere near, for those who dont believes in it. :)

Have a good time and it was good to post again something this large, nd sorry if is boring, as you know, it's not my intention :) Good luck my friends! and have a great hunting!

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

Dungeon siege II

With no internet at home, calling everyday to the ISP company and hearing the same excuses: "We are working faster as we can", "Are you sure that the problem is not inside your house?" "Yes, we have the report but we haven't found the problem yet" And many stuff like that... I grown sick. Also, last Thursday I went into a minor surgery... Not so sure but the name that googles drops when I write the name of the stuff is "Wisdom teeth", which sounds logical since in spanish they are also knowed as "Muelas del juico"... And those are somehow similar stuffs.

Anyway, about the surgey, it was fast, painless, I didnt suffer days after and everything was quite great, like if I never went into the surgey... the bad thing was the hunger that I had and the huge list of things that I can't eat yet... like meat... rwar...

So well, can you imagine myself, without internet and resting at home?... I was getting insane, truly insane. I watched the Anime called Evangelion for fourth time in my life COMPLETE (and I barely survive the last 2 chapters, by the Valars, those are kinda traumatic) in a day, a single day of non-stop anime watching, chating via cellphone with a lot of ppl expression how painful I should be feeling in that moment (Even if I'm not).

And yes, I went berserker (That was at friday at night, after Evangelion last chapter) and I installed again Dungeon siege II and started to play it. Got to say that I love that game, yet I love even more the first one, but this one is quite.. funnier. you have a nice decent group at the beginning, you can custom make your class, since I got the expa too I can pick the cross classes features, yet they are kinda painfull to reach.

I took many screens, thinking in that maybe I could post about that game at work on Monday but the lovely enemies and lover of all the living things knows as "Fate" decided to make me come to work today sunday.   Yes, I'm at the office right now, working (Well, in a break right now) and its 6:50 pm... Obvusly was a emergency call what made me come here so I didnt had the chance to upload my screens in my flash drive. (Honestly I was so mad after the call that I totally forgot that I could be, later, writting something here) and now I'm waiting to go to my home while I end some pics for the freaking book that we have to send for color proof tomorrow earlier.

Anyway, going back to Dungeon Siege II. For those who has never played this game, I could give you my advice: Find a demo and give it a shot. Or a try. Its kinda slowly at the beginning but its real funny, distracting and in some ways (Like me, if you decide to be a loner in the game and forgot about a decent group) it could be a pain. Its not hard, but is adecuate in some tasks about its difficulty. For example, the matter that you are in the beginner zone (Which is a island called Eirulan, or Greylin, cant remember... I think that Eirulan is the Dryad city in Greylin) doesnt mean that you are not going to find a creepy cave with lvl 24 badass guys inside. In fact, there's a quest that is like that and you have to go back later (If you want to end it) when you get stronger.

Right now I'm starting the Azunai Desert, the place that I hate most in the game but its necessary to walk it to reach the Fortress of the good guys... Sorry, I have the game in spanish and some of the translation are quite different sometimes... In fact, some of the dialogues maded by the same character has different voices... quite perturbing. I wish I could get the game in English >.<

Tomorrow when I reach, again, the office, I will bring some screens, hopefully I'm gonna be able to post many things, after all, I'm vl 17 in the game or 18 so I have few things to say about the little adventures of Varsalla of Dungeon Siege II (Which horrible died several times alone until Taar joined in the group... Then, she died with company of Taar :D

Good luck my friends! and see you tomorrow! have a great hunting!

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

besieging the dungeon!

The most awesome part of a nostalgic attack is when it occurs and you are in the office and there is nothing that you can do about to fix it. And that was exactly what happened to me recently.

Since I uncover the conspiracy against me planned by the ISP company (Oh, yes, I'm still at the office, by the way) in which they added my reclaim (my fourth reclaim, of course) to the unexisting list of "things to solve", I had a lot of spare time in my house. I strated reading a book of Anne Rice, called Sanctuary... and I'm still at page 10... I started to make some exercises (I do not know why I think that I'm butchering that word... hmmm.. weird...) I started to use some water colors in some skecth that I have of Varsalla, the version that I made for the Vampire Rol session that I had this weekend: 

Varsalla Le Paige, Daugther of Cacophony (A bloodline)
I started to write again in some old books that I had in mind since.. who knows when... maybe years... maybe months (Almost a year). Anyway, I got a lot, LOT of free time. Taking aside that I'm getting sundered by the fact that I have this blog almost in oblivion... Writting in the office has become a bit harder lately and I can only do something at nights, really, really late.

SO, I was lost in google and suddenly I said: "hey... HEY! Dungeons Siege III should be now on stores!" So I checked it and no... It's not. At least I saw the Pre-order option and I didnt want to search more in the web page. Also, suddenly, I got hitted by memories.. Oh, you know those evil memories that are always twisting your mind... 

Dungeon Siege I and II are on my top ten list of favourites games to play alone, even if I had the chance to play the DSII in group, it was not that funny enough (I'm more that kind of guy that says: Hey! There's a unexplored pixel overthere! LET GO TO SEE IT! WOOT!... while the rest of the group was: Kill, kill, kill, exp! loot! KILL!)

A good news is that I know where my DSII discs are at. Aside my monitor, or behind y monitor, along  with the Supreme Commander discs (Well.. sadly only the forged alliance.. I do not recall where is the Main SC). The bad news is: I have no idea where my Dungeon Siege I is at.

And guess? It's the DSI the one that I want to play... I guess that for the moments I will have to be "happy enough" with the second part. Which is good, but I needed the first part. Dungeon Siege (For those who doesnt know it) is a RPG game style designed by Chris Taylor, the same genius who maded Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander (Which is like TA but better).

RPG style, gaining leveling, killing creatures, getting loot, following a intense storyline... at the end: a great game to enjoy. Yet, I miss the first part >.<

Well, I have to go, time's up at the office and tomorrow my "Weekend" is going to start! WOOT! 5 vacations days! Woot! Good luck my friends and have a great hunting! I'll see you on monday or, IF the ISP decides to be worthy... earlier.. T_T.

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Vampire: The Masquerade.

Well, If I dont have internet in my home, then I have to occupy my time with others things.

Usually, weekends, are those two glory days in were I commit some disasters, maybe go out with friends and drink... well, "maybe" is wrong... ""Usually" is better for that. But this weekend was kinda different. I spent some time playing Vampire, The Masquerade, but npt the Pc game.

Well... things are different now...

White Wolf, the company that owns this game, had for years a great game based on vampires, werewolves, mages and several other things called "World of Darkness". But for some reason they decided to change everything. Now, the Masquerade is broken and we got Vampire: the Requiem.

It's not that I dont like it, is just that I hate the idea that they took out the Tzimisces from the game. Reason why Im stuck in the Masquerade style, but (Since is a Role playing game an I'm the storyteller) with a "different" ending for the awakening of Ravnos. I admit all the clans in the game, well, maybe Tzimisces and Ravnos are a bit more challeging now to play with since they are "under serious" troubles. Also, both Camarilla and Sabbath are under the same troubles as well.

Is a devastated world, full of wicked, knowed things, and the best of all: Requiem doesnt exist.

The Chronicle started the Saturday at 4:30, we had a new player, a friend of mine (Vanessa) who kinda loves the vampires (and yes, she loves twilight as well) and decided to test uot the game to see how fun it could be. has passed a long of time since I was a storyteller and some of the rules were, if not weird, ackward... But it was a good way to start playing again.

Jokes were present all the time, which is the best part of role playing, and weird situations were basically all what they meet, not because the chronicles were made it for that, but because they found their way to go into it. We had a great time... So good that when I saw the clock again it was 5 AM and I suddenly knew why I was kinda sleepy.

So far, and taking aside a horrible food that I made (Yes, I'm guilty for that... I went to cook some spaguetthi and... I just forget about it... and well.. just imagine how hard it was to eat it >.<) and the reason that I woke up early to fix some things at home beofre leaving to Cele's house, I could say that it was the best day of the year... with no alcohol involved, of course. Usually those days are funny *guilty*

Well, since this game has no screens and way to show what happened... well, there's one, but I forgot to bring my camera,  so... I'll leave in here some logos of the clans that were playing :)

Anne, played by Vanessa (for the moments she has no last name, we didnt find
any worthy of)

Abby, played by Celeste (She has a last name... but I dont remember it now...)

Garen, Gangrel (No last name, pets dont need one :D)

Well, I gotta go and call again the company to see fi they "Fixed" their internal problem... wish me luck... :(

Good luck my friends! and have a great hunting!

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

No news...

I'm still without news about my connection. This kinda kills me inside at every second, bit by bit: I haven't realize how addict I was with the internet.

Yesterday I was so bored that I decided to dig in my bookshelf, aside of books and photo albums, I have in the lower level some cds, music, games, data and movies that I usually dont remember that I have them. Strating in the deeps of my bookshelf, full of dust and webs (Just to be dramatic... well.. the dust part was true) I found several games that I could use in the meantime, like Dungeon Siege II, Sadly I didnt find my first part of this game which I would love to play it... also I found Quake II... I know, I know, quite old, right? I say it... "the deeps of my bookshelf"... And I also found a weird game that I didnt remember a thing from it.

Blood Rayne... or Bloodrayne... What happens when you mix Vampires, Red hair, Nazis and Zombies together?

BLoodRayne happens...

Since I'm trying to get a group for some Role game, Vampire the Mascarade, Vampires has become a bit of  a obsesion for me right now (Even more without internet, so I could re-re-read my books once and again). So I said: "Why not?"

I'm still under trauma with this game... I didnt like it... It's more like... No, there's no words to express it. A nightmare is just the beginning, since the Intro is so quite: "Aha... so...?"

I left the game in a sort of mission that you have to kill several guys until you uncover a secret priest with a altar/machinegun/dance stuff. I killed that guy and then I reported back to "Darkman" (My boss, I guess) and then I decided to report myself to bed, crying loud for what this game had doe to my mind.

Maybe that's the reason why I didnt remember this game... Those scar were healed when I totally forgot the entire game. Maybe I didnt even play it at all... I dont know, I dont know... I swear it...

Of course, I have to say it... Yesterday I play the FIRST Bloodrayne, and now that I'm looking for things to post, I realize that this game seems to have a SECOND and THIRD part that I dont know of... And honestly, I'm not so sure that I wanna know of either. I saw a movie... called Bloodrayne... About Vampires... and Cowboys... But... I dont know, maybe my mind is playing nasty tricks with me right now... the Nightmares.. the Horror...

She looks good...

Really, really good... 

And some thing are quite nice, like drink blood AND shooting at the same time
while you use the human or creature as shield...

But... meh...

Honestly, the game is (So far) not a hard one to complete... I spent a entire level only drinking the blood from the enemies at the Nazi's base... And that's not even an real "Attack" after all... Yeah, they can die... yeah, you make them dumb... but... I dont know.. Today I'll face the game again...

This is the Dancing priest with the pedestal with a machine gun on it...
-Hey, priest, the Pedestal is done... anything else?
-Does the pedestal have a machine gun?
-A Machine gun..?
-Yes... a Machine gun with some defenses!
-But you.. are a priest.. why would you...?
-Do it damn it! DO IT!
-okey.. okey.. I will... 

Oh well... I'm going to fall into madness my friends, madness if this internet issue is not solved anytime soon. For the moments, have a graet time and know that I envy you all (In a innocent way, of course) right now, and good luck! have fun and a amazing luck!

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Something is wrong...

Yesterday I started with Cthuhlu in a serious way, I arrived home, eated a good portion of spaguetthi and drinked a flavored drink, turned off the lights of my room, answered few messages in FB via cellphone and then I put it in Silence...

And double clicked on Dark corners of the Earth Icon...

Yet, even with the bug fixed (The non saving bug) and everything, I couldnt take the screens without making y pc going critical. I guess that there's no other way to make it or at least I'm to lazy to find it. Of course I play it a bit and got a good portion of my spooky dose in the intro, the corpses, the guy with the gun who dies in front of you, the room filled with your pics... stuff like that. But the most scary of this, yesterday, when was the dumb tip about running appeared. It's kinda flashy and noisy and everything was quiet...

but at least I got two screens...

This one...  and...
This one...

Nothing that everyone could say "OMG! Vars is SO awesome taking screens! yay!" But hey! Each time I had to reload the game.. so give me a bit of credit for effort :)

Obviusly, after the intro and since I could take no Screens I decided just to turn it off and go to sleep, to wake up early and do whatever, I was tired and kinda "meh".

At the morning I decided that, if I could not take screen of this game and my internet is still Dc'ed... Then Diablo II was my only option, and I started again a NEW player in diablo II (Take in count that my other two toons where inside This one is not Hardcore mode, its just to spend some time while everything goes better.

I got some screens... but its mostly like the first toon (Its another Amazon)

Nod, another Amazon...

Fighting the same creatures that the on in

One shooting Skeletons...

Best strategy ever: Wait for them at the door and the shoot them!!

Same old raven quest....

New levels and nice stuff.. old too...

Today, at least, is gonna be a good night, since I'm going to save Cain from Trsitan town :D

At least I got a nice helmet :) (For my level, of course)

Well, I'm gonna drive home, good luck everyone! and have a great hunting!

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Oh.. Hi.. Sorry

Well, yesterday I was so excited coz I said: "I shall uncover the mysteries of Innsmouth! NO - MATTER - WHAT - COST -!" Honestly, I was that decided to play it and make a nasty, colorfull review of the game... But something happened.

There was a price, a price that I'm not so sure that I can afford... Each time I took a Screen, for some reason, it doesnt get saved on my computer and if I Alt-tab the window, the game goes critical... You know, it's not fair Bethesda.. it's not fair.

I'm still trying to find a solution for this, and maybe the only solution is taking the screen near a save point so if the game crashes at least I'm at the right place and not far from where I should be. Sadly, no funny screens about me running like crazy, evading nasty creatures and fighthing big monsters are going to be posted in here.. so it's kinda meh :S

Well, it's getting late and I should be driving home, I'll try to fix this today in any way :(

Sorry again friends, have a great time and a good hunting!

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Dark corners of the Earth.

Have you ever read H.P. lovecraft? If you do it's maybe you love the horror style novels, and without any doubt Lovecraft is quite a great member in this kind. Its not only the spooky horror like "Oh my god! i saw a ghost!" But most like that kind of horror that engulf all your fears just to create a mass, without any form with several eyes that calls your name in the darkness and you are like "Holy...".

Some fears are never truly healed, as the main intro of the game says, and Lovecraft is the one that worked hard to make them real. So is this game from Bethesda: Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.

Oh yeah!
When this game came out a friend of mine had it and he didnt wanted to play it. this caught my curiosity since he is a huge fan of Lovecraft and, since I'm just a pain in the mind sometimes, asked him as least 40 times about it and he always gave me the same answer: Its to damn scary.

How in the earth a game can be THAT scary? I thought... So I got it and decided to play it by myself, at night, alone at home. just to prove him that he was quite wrong.

And god he was not.

Creepy is just not enough sometimes, sometimes is kinda: "Meh, I knew it" in in others i was like "AAAAAAAARRRGH!! By the hand of Gul'dan! What the hell just happened??!". Based in the Shadow over Innsmouth book, this game makes you crawl, run, walk, jump and scream like a little baby in the town of Innsmouth several times trying to escape from your enemies: the ones that live there.

But hings are just not only that. I wish. Aside that, you have to uncover a mistery about yourself and about some thing that lives in the water that this fellows adore as god and godness, Father Dagon and mther Hydra. In this game the bullets, axes and knives are not your only enemies, as in any book of lovecraft, you can end as your own most dangerous enemy ever... Yes, your toon can go crazy sometimes if you look at several horrible things.

Which the game is full of it, of course.

This is were you can save from time to time.. oh.. wo.. sorry friend I didnt want to.. er... *run away*

Stuff like this is so normal in the game... SO normal in the game.

Creepy things... nasty things.. Unknow things...

You.. just look at your face, it's like "Oh god, oh god, I wanna wake up, I WANNA WAKE UP!"

Since I dont have internet because my company sucks, I'm gonna play this game to make a hopefully safely review... or become crazy in the attempt.

Well, I have to go, good luck friends! and have a great hunting! But first...

Muahahahahaha... wait.. what?!
Oh.. sorry... this one...