sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Deed´s Weekend!

So ye, I decided to keep it up with my deeds, i have some of them in like... 1/150.. or 1/100 in the slayers ones, or some explorations to complete, search the flowers in the Old Forest, kill, kill, kill, kill, gain rep with a lot of ppl too. To many things to do, with almost no time.

That was kinda prodcutive the day for me, well, it´s only 12:15 pm here, so it can be evenmore productive eventually. I ended first some slayers deeds at Bree-lands, like the one in the screen, can´t remember the name of these guys. But anayway, tat took me like 10 minutes, i only need it 30 of them for the advanced Deed.
A bloodthirsty minstrel against a bug of the nature.
After that, I went directly to the Barrows, again, to end my "negotiations" with the undead community that resides there. As we were specting, they were helpful and good fellows that died, for second time, as quickly as they could and aftr 145 undeads, I got my grave-digger title. One more title for my Undead title personal goal! Wohooo! adly, I killed a phantom and I have to kill 96 more of them to get a nice looking title "Nemesis of the dead". I'll do that later.

This was the fellow that opened the door at the littl einstance there,
a good person and very polite.
While i was doing that Deed, which took me like 1 hour and 15 minutes, or so, going back and forward while I had to seel stuff (Which one of vendor sales ended at 1 gold and 450 silver! I'm kinda rich!) My Kin asked me about my epic-depressive gear and, looking how bad I was on gear, decided to help me. Findalwyn and Lastlaf upgraded mygear like a 70%. More Mana, more Morale, more Epic! and even if I look like a medieval version of a Power Ranger, I like how it looks. Part of being epic.

Varsalla, the first green power ranger ever.
At my mail I got some nice stuff, like my new-brand gear (Wohooo!) and some gifts frma crazy toon, with a hat, a giant flower and a pink dye... yes.. a pink dye... anyways, I remembered that I had some stuff that I could send to them (Fin and Las) that they would use better than me, like critical items for crafting and stuff. In my personal vault I saw the gift that you recieve at the beginning and I could opened again, (Last limit was lvl 30, and I am lvl 32) and I found inside 4 letter! which means 4 Quests! Which means 40 TP in reward! in exchange of a HUGE travelling session. I went to Esteldin (Again) to deliver the first letter, and then to Evendim, Tinnudir, for the second one. So I'll leave you here with a small screen of Tinnudir, from afar!

No, that huge, awesome looking castle is not the main camp...Is a small ruin at the left of th screen.
Today is gonna be a slow day until night, I have to go out right now to fix some stuff about my cellphone and gonna eat some sushi with my girlfriend. So I wont be able to do speed posts as the last weekend. Hopefully, at night, I'll make a nice post with nice stuff on it to pay my debt to you friends. In the meantime, have a good day and good hunting!


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