viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

A non-lotro post.. weird...

I just had the best moment of the day.

Driving from home I was, as usual, taking shortcuts to reach to the office as fast as I could and suddenly, in one of the thin streets behind a larger golf yard I found that the police decided to make a checkpoint (Maybe thats not the word that Im looking for.. but it works)... as usual, in my country, by no reason important.

I totallu understand if they are searching for a thief, a killer, a guy who was driving extremely fast at the highway or even one who ignored the light... But they were just slowing the traffic. So, guess what? they decided to stop the guy in the Twingo as well.. who is, me.

So this is the picture of the situation... The cop arrives to my window with that heroic pose of "I know that I'm best, citizen" and I was like ^_^. I lowered  my window and all you can hear was Johann Sebastian Bach loud, and you could see me, in the driver spot, with actually this face (^_^) eating Doritos. See, while in traffic, I need to hear classic music in order to be calm... I'm talking about 1 hour and a half inside a traffic just to move like 20 km. And today I'm exceptionally hungry and got lucky, found a complete, unopened bag of Doritos in the back seat of my car, one medium size bag, so I opened. and yes, at 9:10 am.

Was the best way to stand against the traffic and the other cars.

The face of the police was something like O.o and after 2 minutes of silence, looking at me, he said: "Where are you heading citizen?" You know.. the usual stuff is that they ask you for your license, ID, car ID, you know... stuff like that... and maybe after that, they can ask you other things... but he skipped the protocol and went directly to the nonsense questions.

"To my office, Officer" and once again, I grab a Doritos from the bag and eat it. I'm pretty sure that I messed up with the police mind, he didnt had words. So he went to talk with anothe officer who was questioning another car and after 20 MINUTES they decided that I could go...

Aside the waste of time and stuff, and the fact that I didnt arrived to work late, looking at the face of that officer totally lost looking me was worthy of those 20 minutes.

Well, gotta go, duties are calling me and I have to answer, see you later!

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