miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Looking for kinship in Silverlode.

I should had wrote this yesterday, but I have to admit it.. yesterday I went crazy with several posts. Reason why I decided to make a stop at the fourth. And you can't imagine how I was when I arrived home and checked all the blog section, in my mind I was like: "C'mom, you know that this post is in fact more important than the others... go... write it... No! Im not going to do it... But I guess that I can start a bit with.. wait.. no... no.. Im not going to do it..."

Yes.. It was a struggle inside me that I could barely stand against. Obviously I logged on the game and everything was left behind, no more struggle. Yet, today, while I was going to write about the instance quests, everything started again.

But here I am right now, ready to do the post that I wanted to do yesterday: I decided to look for a Kinship for Varsalla. Not a easy task, but someone had to do it, I can't wait for someone to invite without asking or getting lucky in meeting someone that eventually I could join in his/her kin.

I started my research in Lotro Wiki, checked on several kinship links which many of them were forgotten addresses, even a Dwarven clan that Im sure that I have seen before in the game, not too many days ago, had the link broken. At the end of my research I applied only in two kins, which were "Silver of the Silver Flame" and the "Blessed Souls".

Both seems to have the same ideals that I could follow in every moment, had a decent and organized page and seems quite active in both sides, as Kinship in-game and Web page as well. I applied in both with the normally survey that they had on the application section and sent my requests without any problem... I think, can't be really sure since I can't find my post on the Blessed souls web page, guess that I have to wait for them to post it when it is or it is not approved.

As many players may seek, the only thing that I actually look forward in a guild is "Honesty" (And no, not the Trait in the game with +max power, +armor value and +fate, I mean Honesty, honesty, true honesty) you know, that type of honesty like "Var... You are doing it wrong... you can't go as melee all the time, you know?" or "When you are healing, avoid the War speech, I know that it could look awesome the animatic when you cast it and stuff... but its a bad idea"... Well... those are things that Im not going to do (Perhaps the melee sometimes just for fun) but you got the idea.

Nice players, friendly and full of normal jokes with evil intentions and able to help in advices is even more important than a strict raid-system full time kinship. I love to do instances, and raids and stuff... but when the game starts to looks like a second job or strife away from the fun: I can hate it at the end of the season. Things are not all the time easier, if they were, we were bored as fast as a lighting bolt casted with extra haste to a closer target.

Hopefully, Im gonna find a great Kinship, and then the posts can take another ways rather than a solitary traveller story, dont you think? so far I have answer from The Order of the Silver Flame and they seems to be good persons (a idea took it only from they warm welcome mssg that I got in the post appli.)

I will let you all know about this when I get more news, in the meantime: Enjoy the game and have fun! (And if by any chance you are from silverlode and your guild is on Lotro-wiki, and even by any chance the link its broken: Please, fix it! please!, I spent like 45 minutes between broken links and broken links!)

See you all later!

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