jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

What happens in Evendim...

When you heard about a she-elf minstrel in Evendim, your mind could think about a lovely elf-maiden wandering near the coast with a lute or a harp, singing to the masive body of water and the misteries that lies there; with a peaceful aura and exotic voice, dressed with long robes of old, usually maded with white and gold colors.

Dont. Not even close.

Today I committed vandalism today in Evendim. A got some quests that made me do nasty, but funny things like burn down some boats, kill thousand of guys and steal some barrels and crates. Oh yes, Today early, Varsalle went wild in Evendim! I had the epic feeling that I was in god like mode, they were too easy to kill and i was hitting just to hard to accept.

I guess that when you beat a Tomb-treasure or a Evil scout minion, burn their belognings and steals their loot... it's not Vandalims.. Is just taking our things back, burn few other stuff and beating evil dudes. I did that quest with a happy face on myself and Varsalla´s face: I was finally kicking some mobs and they were not cheating goblins!

Berserker mode: Engage!
This is mine.. this too.. oh! look! Mine too!

More shinnies inside...?

Shinnies part II
Did you know that this, simple, boat maded of wood....

Could explote as if it has dinamite on it?

This kind of quests are funny, you could feel like someone playing DOOM or WOLFESTEIN 3D. you all alone with the entire enmy base.. and surprisingly! you are alive at the end. I recommend this chain, is fast, easy and have a nice silver and items rewards!

Well, I'm going back to game, gotta kill some things to complete my deeds.

I.. have to... to.. try!

See you all later, :)

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