sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

Nothing more than a minor stepback

I do not know who I have to blame for this. Could be a smart move from Turbine in order to make me feel the flavor of defeat after reaching lvl 20 without dying with my minstrels... Or it could be a bad joke from my internet company, or maybe I was destinied to died in that battle, or I got have bad luck... but I fell in battle minutes ago.

Nothing more than a minor stepback...

Yet, what I do not understand why it really happened, I was killing boars and farming ash branches when I saw that I was near a quest in the Bree-lands, where you have to invade a brigand´s camp, kill a captan and steal a letter. Everything was going good enough when I decided to kill two guys that were only lvl 15 each, one melee and one range. As usual I casted first Call of Oromë to make them both suffer the AoE, and when I was casting Timeless Echoes of battle... the game went Frozen.

Frozen... Why? I mean, how you can defend against something like that? frozen, the game went frozen like *Hey, look, it`s like you were taking a horrible long photo, nobody it´s moving! yay!"

Ah, well, at least I got to lvl 20 without that happening. It`s a shame but I think that theres no more titles for avoid defeating on battle after the Undying.

In the other hand... It is awesome how many Ashes branches are on the bree-lands, they are everywhere, it`s overwhelming sometimes. I have this trouble, when I see the gathering icon on the minimap, my fingers, like it or not, divert my course directly to that point, even if is guarded by a rare uber powerful creature. Yesterday I ended with like 150 planks of ashwood (To make each of those you need 2 branches of Ashwood) and now I have like 70 branches on my backpack. Not bad right, right?

Bad thing is that my next woodworker lvl ask me for a quest to defeat a lvl 23 brigand that seems to be nasty and I barely can defeat a lvl 23 normal and lost goblin in Lone lands. So, I have to wait then. I think that I said this on my last post, I have to check my spelling again, I was kinda sleep for the last post.

Good luck everyone, I'll be back later!.

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