martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Some concept Art of the game

Today something happened in the Transport system in the city, so the traffic is quite... horrible. My Girlfriend just texted me saying that she spent hour and a half from her work to her house. Taking aside that she is driving against in the side that theres no traffic at all, that's a lot. I could spend at least 2 hours maybe 2 hours in a half just wasted there, without saying that I offered myself to take a friend to his home, quite away from mine's.

So i'm wasting time in the webz, twittering, facebooking (Ew, sounds awfully, right?) and checking some illustrations of the game. While google offered me at least thousand of options to watch, I cannot be sure if all of them are from Lotro. As you already know, just tag a Pic of a Panda and name it Lotro and automatically theres a huge chance that you can google it under Lotro name.

I decided to enter in the Main Lotro web page and check the Concept art that they have uploaded there. Have to admit that I was waiting for a lot more, but the ones that I found there are enough just because they are awesome. I hope they have in mind to more uploads eventually.

I'm gonna post some of them here, but you can check them all in the Link:

Balin's Tomb Door design. Moria, of course.

Darkwater Undead. I love this Concept Design!

Something like endless stairs.. never been there.

Galadriel's court!

Evendim! High King Cross place :D

Lothlorien Concept Art.

How Orcs really looks at Moria.

Well, I just wanted to share this, hope you like them, and check the web page too, theres some more. Good luck!

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