jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

Slayer deeds, worse in every zone...

When you reach the normal leveling zone after the starting area you foudn that the games have a special feature called "Deeds". These deeds allows you, in exchange for a heroic action, to win several things such as titles (yay!), Turbine points (Wohoooo!), Traits (Hell yeah!) andmany other things as discounts, spells, abilities and stuff. Normally these deeds require tie and dedication and they are not easily to complete unless you go mad and focused to do it. Like the exploration deeds or the evil slayer deeds.

This post, is about those salyer posts that grants you titles, traits and Tp to use in-game on Lotro only. Usually, the easy Deed ever is the exploration... usually... Slayer deeds, in my opinion are evil, not because you have to kill 30 and then 60 of one kind, then 60 and later 120 of the same kind, and so on.

At the beginning those deeds are like "Wohooo! Extra Tp!" but when you reach Lone-lands (For example) is kinda "Ok, I refuse to kill those guys for only 5 tp". My advice is: Dont use those deeds only for the Tp rewards. I mean, the Tp reward is quite good, and theres also traits, titles, funny things to get (Eventually)(Well.. in fact I have only seen Tp, titles and traits).

I usually use those deeds to practice my rotation, learn about what the enemy can act, what spells does he have, if he is strong or not, strategic things... and for the titles, theres nothing like the Goblin-foe title in Evendim Muahahahaha ehem.. where I was.. oh, right! Deeds, salyer deeds.

I admit it, Slayers deeds can be a pain sometimes, theres a point that they ask just for too much but is necessary, its not a good deal for Turbine and takes away all the fun. or it is not great when you got something that you actually suffered a lot trying to get it? its like: "Who's awesome! Tell me you goblin! who's the best? *Kick the corpse of the goblin while thousand of goblins are dead near too* Muahahahahahaha"

Also the slayers deeds are necessary for us, the players, in order to archieve the class deeds too. Or are you going to think to cap your level to start getting those extra talents by chance? no, no, NO, that's wrong. Buy them if you can buy them, yet dont wait until it's too late to start those or to begin to worry about the normal traits.

Besides.. admit it, its just to funny to go around and kik goblins and orcs, hug wargs until they fall asphyxiated at your feet, use flaming arrows or flaming javelins against trolls... lucky hunters and wardens... eventually I will be yelling at the Trolls... and Im sure my cries are not going to be of battle and glory, mostly like: "Oh no! sorry, I didnt know... I was not yelling at you, was with the other ugly troll... no, go, go!  go away, leave meeeeee, go! aaaarrrrrggghhh!!"

Seriously... Minstrels need better self-defense systems... like a portatil cannon or a laser gun...

Anyway, I have to go, gotta work and my time of lazyness is about to end, I'll leave you all with a nice new: I got a invite to a Kinship!, but Im gonna tell that later, see ya!

Oh.. funny.. a small post, hehe.

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