viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Tale of a Epic war.

This, my friends, is the tale of a Epic war between a human and a keyboard...

The human was trying to survive, the Keyboard didnt want that...

And at the end, the Keyboard won the battle.


Hi everyone, how are you today? Im a bit sick and had a horrible night, but Im fine. I was checking my last post and I saw several, horrible mistakes in my typo that I had to fix up quickly... sadly, I didnt saw them yesterday and was not quickly enough, but it is done now.

Yesterday I decided t make a schedule about my play-time and Blog-time duties, obviously, without playing time, theres no blog at all. So it ended like this: Time to play at least near a hour and a half before midnight which gives me a hour to blog a bit, find the ideas, the screen and translate from Spanish to English. And im not so sure that it was good idea after all.

I mean, I usually have typo mistakes all the time, but that plus that I was falling a little bit asleep after all, makes this a epic battlefield of mistakes. I want to say: Im deeply sorry friends, was not meant to be.

I woke up late, as I said, I had a bad night and barely slept well. between the dogs barking and my cat chasing invisble ghosts inside my room... because it must be that, invisible ghosts or things, there was no one in there except me (trying to sleep) and the cat (jumping, ruuning and scratching everything). so I couldnt make the early post as I usually do.

But here I am, at a free time at work, writing a bit while I wait for the Lunch time and thinking that I really messed up yesterday with my typo stuff.

But well, not everything is like that friends: Today Im gonna reach lvl 18! (Wooooohooooooo!) one step closer to 20, more adventures to complete and challenges that are going to be nasty, because the Barrows can be nasty sometimes for a low lvl character. I have plenty of things to do, deeds, quests, explore, gear upgrade, weapon upgrade, instrument upgrade, crafting, buy a freaking horse eventually, or use the one that they give you for free... Now that I think about it, I havent used that whistle.

In weapon and instrument upgrades Im done, thanks to Jaxlor, yet I need to gather my leathers to use it with my warden for a nice, decent piece of armor, medium or light, at this point, that doesnt really matter. And I read somewhere that the high lvl gear for Minstrels is based on Light armor, so Id better get use to it, right? at least soon Ill have my shield!

Well, gonna got go eat something, and later Ill post both screen that I left yesterday in the oblivion. have a good time!

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