jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

At the lotrostore... and SW pic!

Well, today I played a bit Lotro, not enough, I was just working on my deeds with Varsalla and since I could not find the last part of the exploring deed at Trollshaws (The Trapdoor lair or something like) and I died horrible tryin to find it. I decided to quit a bit just to go downstairs and eat and stuff and then watch a episode of Castle. In fact, I'm gonna watch another right now, just to see how fast I can fall asleep this time.

I made a chice, finally. And more than a well-thinked choice, I just went directly to the sales and got Eregion as quest pack. I´m not so sure if I did good or not, yet, I dont care since I know that eventually I will be adding more Turbine points and eventually I´ll get all my quets packs with all the horrible long deeds that I know that     I´m gonna fulfill one day.

I just purchased the quest pack, less than 5 minutes ago but it´s kinda late to go there and see what offers me those mistic lands. sleep time for me and worst: Tomorrow I have work- Which I dont feel like I wanna go, thou- and a lot of it. I just wanted to pass by and comment the choice for those who has been reading my crying and whinning about what should I do and what not. Tomorrow, since it{s another day and I{ll be a bit fresh, I{m gonna end up some quests in angamr and then I{ll be riding to Eregion, to end my last part of the journey and face Moria.

Which makes me happy, and I know that you can´t feel it right now, but it´s just coz I´m half sleeping right now. I´m wondering what I´m gonna find in those lands? I have tried so hard to avoid any spoils as I did with the Trollshaws and Angmar, even if I do not know too much about Angmar yet...

This makes me think about getting some reputation eventually. I have to work with the hobbits (Eventually) and then with the elves of Rivendell and the Thorin´s hall dwarves too. Also the angers of Esteldin are waiting for me to bring hem things in order to feel some respect to me. Hopefully, I can do some good things this weekend, even if I´m more looking forward to spent it with my girlfriend. yesterday we were celebrating a year and a 3 months :)

Anyways, I´ll be back tomorrow, or in few hours to be honest, I´m gonna try to wake up earlier.. this time... to do some good thing for the people of the middle earth and kill some wargs, maybe trolls in Northdowns... Wait, I´ve done that; I´ll kill orcs! and the goblins!

You wanna know a nice title that I saw? The Wight slayer deed in Trollshaws grants you the title of "The purifier". Sounds good, right? well, I gotta go for now, see you later and good luck, and good hunting as well!

Go, go, go!
Dont know who did this or for what it is, but I found it in google when I was searching for "Star wars awesome" hoping to get one of those demotivators. I got them, but I got this too. :)

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