domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

The Seven swords, Last part.

Well, I´m back in Angmar. Even if my experiences in there were more than horrible, can´t say less, I´m going to have a serious trouble in Eregion if I dont level up a bit with Varsalla. And Angmar is the most sitauble option that I have right now.

I guess that I could spend some of the TP that I have in store, but I want to keep them there just in case of somethign great shows up. Like a motorcicle or maybe a Legendary flame-thrower for minstrels. It would be great, right? If I could have a flame-thrower would be like:

"Wow! Eregion is so funny! Die you nasty trees! dieeeeee!"

Hmm I guess that it woulb be sane for Turbine not to add a Flamethrower after this post... darn... me and my stupid mouth!

Anyways. I went back into the haunted lands of Angmar to complete few quests about killing bugs, worms, orcs and, most of all: Poor guys sitting in a lonely camp fire. I do not feel that bad, to be honest, to gank those guys even if theywere peaceful guys sitting, eating Marshmallows,,, *chuckles* hehe, eating MARSHmallows in the MARSH...

Oh god, someone please put me out of my misery and my bad jokes...

This quest makes me think about something. The Free people have more chances to succed than the evil men of the middle earth... Reason why? We can google them and they, even if they can google us, the can´t do nothing coz they can{t move from where they are. I was like doing a spy research on them, tracking down their coordinates, names, places, items that drops, while they were eating *chuckles* MARSHmallows.

Here they were:

This guys, was the hardest to find... not gonna spoil were he is at, but its a pain...

Look at them.. sitting there...

Eating... Ok... Enough of this joke...

All alone... Being the perfect victim.
So now, I have the title, but no screen of that, and I got a new quest but is a fellowship quest or a small fellowship quest, that I can´t do alone, I tried and I utterly failed at. Too many ghosts and too many evil things filling the air with dread and despair... Perhaps, the hill-men, knew about those ghost and they were protecting  us all from them... Well, that´s something thatI´ll never know.

Tomorrow, I´ll be taking again my duties or reviewing a class, I guess that this weekend I just get lazy on that... shame on me...

Well, good luck everyone, I´m leaving for a while, and good hunting!

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