martes, 26 de abril de 2011

The mines of Moooooria!

Well yes, today it´s my birthday so I decided to gave me a present: Explore Moria once for all. I was wating for this moment since I was lvl 45 and no, at lvl 50, I can handle pretty well myself inside this forgotten place. My deeds in Eregion can wait a bit, as well this fellow dude Logon, he can wait to, I woke up, had my breakfast, got ready to work but since I´m going to the doctor first, I could spend some time playing. Like 45 mins max.

So I grabbed my horse and ride to the Mines of Moria having in mind that I was gonna be experiencing somethign just as awesome as it could be. in fact, look at this screen:

It is a bloody dawn for sure!

So well, my journey begun and the big stairs of Moria were waiting for me, along with one quest that asked me to talk with two dudes... which was the most "meh" quest ever. I had to go up the stairs and cross to the left, then left again, talk with another guy and then GO BACK again...

This stair... Oh, look! I completed a Deed as well!

Seems like the party went just wrong... who´s gonna pay for that?

Some part of Moria reminds me a lot of Thorin´s halls... Forges EVERYWHERE.. actually funny that they are still working, would they be wroking even before that we opened the door?

By the Valars, dudes.. you cant just be away from a forge for a bit?
One thing that I was not waiting, or expecting, in the mines was the fact that this city is like a freaking laberynth... i got lost and all my play-time was used just to found the first campment of dwarves, which I got it, but I´m not gonna show it in this post, maybe a bit later. Look at the place:

A library.. Kinda small... but must have some good books inside.

A more decent screen of the library...

Looking at this makes me think in one thing:
"There´s no short cuts this time".
Also, I foudn several nasty things, and one creepy thing as well.. this is the creepy..

Some dwarf-statue head...since it was dark I was trying to jump it, until I recognized the

Nasty things: Some weird creatures as well... really weird!

Weird and nasty scenaries... 

And a looooooooooooooooooong hallway... remember that I can´t use the moun in here :)
Well, this was my frist impression of Moria: A well maded laberynth, kinda dark as it should be, but too much dark for my taste.. at least for playig it at morning, of course. Well, i have to go, good luck my friends! and have a great hunting today as well!

Oh, by the way, the Poll ended with the fact tat minstrels can do more dps instead of healing sometimes... So i´ll be going dps for a while inside the instances. :)

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