domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

People from Lotro.

Perhaps I´m worng, but so far my experience with the other lotro players has been more than great. Well, maybe not with all, but in a overall scale, so far this game is winning for like a 75%. While in other games you only expect ppl that yells at you if you are not doing the "real" dps of your class, in here, they are only lookin forward to help you deal with the instance or quest.

While In other games, the Auction house is full with horrible prices... wait.. same happens in here... but anyway, at least you can find people in here that is willing to give you some mats or recipes just becuase they dont have a reason, they preffer to give it to you for free than charge you for a price or something.

Today, while I was getting some mats for Varsalla (Ore mats with Khas, of course) I was in Esteldin making bars like a crazy. you know the best part of making 100 ore into 50 bars? The possible chance of getting a critical success and get a additional of 2 extra bars. the worst part? hearing the "Clanck, Clanck, Clanck" per bar. Good thing that I was watching Castle while I was doing that, so I coudl occupy my time in something else. While I was doing that, and checking for time to time, I got a curious whisper from a player under the name of Ffluf.

Ffluf, a Minstrel (And yes, we minstrel rules just because we are awesome, generous and awesome in self-defense... except in Angmar) was asking me if I could use a Recipe for Jewelcrafting. I already have it so I decline (in a polite way, even with Faces and stuff) the opportunity but we kept talking for a bit. She (The character is female, yet, I can´t be sure if was a female player, so I´m gonna stick with the "She") was kinda generous, in fact, she gave me a recipe of single use that I didnt had, which is great since I love to collect all the recipes possibles.

It is good to see a strong community in the game, aside the great story of the plot and the little things that gices the gamethe perfect thing, a strong community is something unvaluable. It´s like the Epic thing in the Epic armor set that makes you feel good and confortable.

I do not have any screen of her, I'm not a stalker after all, but for the next time, I´ll will get one so you can all meet her, or meet another awesome lotro player that I could meet on my travels.

But remember: Minstrels are the awesome people... That´s why we are always in the groups.

see you later, I have another Episode of Castle waiting for me. Good luck and good hunting!

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