viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

A bit of Nostalgia...

Do you know when you are staring at something and suddenly you catch a smell that reminds you to a fruit that you lied a lot qhen you were a child? or when you see a Typo and looks like the main Typo of a Movie that you used to like a lot too? Sometimes we are victims of the cuel Nostalgia which makes us remember how easy our world used to be when we were child.

I had something like that just right now... Code word in here "Something". I have not idea why but while I was staring my Screen with Photoshop running and thinking if I should make a banner for the Blog or for Twitter,  suddeny got a glimpse about a old game that I used to love, and hate, when I was a child.

Ninja Gaiden. The NES version, of course.

I google it and got some nice screens from there and I reminded how hard, how HORRIBLE (In difficulty) that game was. I really miss that game a lot.

Here, I'm gonna share some nice screens that I found during my nostalgic travel inside the Net.

Jump against the forces of the wind while some guys were waiting
to kick you out of the pilar... THIS is HARD.

Oh well... It's funny, right?

And so he did... I guess... I never ended one of these games

Uhhhh.... Uuuuuuoooohhh... I get it now!

kjlajkfkckjc'swj cw!!! How I hate that enemy at the top!

Well, I'm gonna leave but first...
The new design of Ninja Gaiden, from few years to present...
Anyway, good luck and...

"Have a nice day"

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