jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Some time for Vocations.

Yesterday at night, I decided to avoid the perils from Angmar and aise a bit my scholar and weaponsmith duties. it is strange to start again, at such high level like coul be lvl 40 *sarcastic*, from zero a new vocation. You have to visit old lands again, kills old enemies... again... and Usually players that are leveling in that zone looks at you as some weird who is gonna take their loots or it[s doing old deeds that were left behind.

Also, you expect from a vocation to help you right at the level that you are at, like it used to be with Woodworking, I could craft my own instruments at the moment, sometimes even earlier. Scholar and weaponsmith are going t help me, but right now they are just a small trouble for me. Also, that we have to understand that Scholar is not a easy stuff.

The chances that a mob drops a piece for this vocation is like... low, really low, not unusual, but low. You have to kill several of them just to find some items that you can use. In fact, it's easy to get the candles for the critical success rather than normal pieces, sometimes. Yesterday I waste a lot of time running back and forward between all the ruins in Bree-lands just to reach the master wit the Apprentice level and complete the regular journeyman, and I still have to get enough for the Master journeyman.

Oh.. look.. a pitcher... 
Guess that I will be visiting all those ruins for at least until Sunday to get all my master and get some levels for Varsalla. I do really need to lvl up this vocation, specially for Angmar, maybe the scrolls for buffs can help me a lot in those cursed lands that today owned me several times.

But for the moments I'm:


Woooot! This is what I'm gonna take as Crafting Guild 
For the ore, I do not worry about too much, Khas is helping me a lot and eventually I'll be checking the infamous Auction house for horrible prices in such low quantities of ore or bars.

Well, I'll be back later! good luck and see you later :D

Floating Barrow-iron node!...
Still drops 1 or 2 Ores so far... maybe a gem...

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