martes, 5 de abril de 2011

So yeah... they are big enough.

Time ago, I was wandering in the North lands of North-dows, near the pass to Angmar with my Hunter and I saw a drake with so many colors in the portrait that I thought that some good loot should drop. I prepared myself against the monster and engaged a battle that my chances to win were just not enough. I had the chanc to run faster as I could (With the hunter spell) and I took it, gettin as far as I could from that drake.

Today, earlier, I was going to angamr with my Minstrel and the same foul creature appeared in front of me, with his huge wings and sinister poligonal face. Tday I had a high lvl toon to confornt the foul beast and take him down, so many tales could be told in the Inns with my name. Once more, I engaged the beast in a hard and nasty combat, and once more I had to run.

This guy:

8.435 Health point, 1.635 Power points, a colorful portrait display
Wings, claws, Fire breath, fangs, tons of weight...
I want one fo them as pet.

A coward move? Yes! I know, right? It´s kinda lame for a Minstrel lvl 40 to be running away from that guy which is lvl 33... Rare Elite Master or course, with several colors on the portrait and all the range freaking attacks possible in the game. After I escaped I went back to my hunter, who is now lvl 44, and tracked him with no hope, the beast had fled to his lair, for never to be saw again.

I checked on Lotro Wiki and the best drop is a Adamantine shard, which is good but useless for me now, so I went back with my minstrel just to reach Angmar. But there, fate decieve me once more. I was quite lost, and when I mean "Lost" I mean that after 5 minutes of fighting worms and reaching to a drake area I realize (With the maps help) that I took, somewhere, a wrong turn.

And guess what did I found? Another Foul appeared... I was, at the beginning like: "HA! DESTINY SMILE AT ME!" But then, I went more like: "OMG! WTH! Run, varsalla run!"

Yes, the red drakes´s cousin! why? why fate, why?

Oh look.. They can fly... too...
Fate is, sometimes, our worst enemy. It's not fair, but I swear that is not over yet, destiny.. Do you hear me? I mean, read me?! I got their adress and their places, I willlook upon them when I have better equipment and some more lvls... Those shards should be mine!

Anyways, taking aside the crazy part of being trciked by sdestiny, I reached today Angamr, but it would be at night in were I'm going be able to play there, so, I´ll see you later! good luck friends and take care.

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