miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Horrible day almost end...

Well, right now I'm in a friend's house talking about a new project, another blog about games and gadgets. He kinda knows me very well and he knows that I usually talk.. too much... so he has forbidden me to talk about that in the blog for now since it's (In his own words) a surprise... I dont know for *who* is the surprise but well.

Hopefully I will be able to talk about that soon.

In the meantime, I'm kinda bored in here right now, today at the office things went just to unacceptable for my taste and I was thinking that perhaps I'm located in the wrong place after all. Not close from my original career (Illustrator) and with this that I, in my own personal interest, dont seems to fit complete.

A friend from work told me to think things in cold, take my time to decide and check my opportunity before doing something that I could regret eventually. And she is right, so that's what I'm gonna do tonight and maybe until monday. The worst thing that someone can do is try to work in a place were you dont feel good, things like that makes your improvement almost to stand by and makes days longer.

For now, I want to do one of three things, visit my girlfriend (Yet I yhink that she could be mad at me right now, yet dont know exactly why), Play Lotro or write a bit. Sadly, none is near my reach and this makes me wonder... what I'm gonna do right now. For example.

Well, see you later, with a new night post, with some luck! Good luck and take care, kills some goblins in my name and yell Barud-khazad! on each fall!

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