martes, 5 de abril de 2011

I'm half aslezzZzzzZzzz...

Yes, I´m half asleep, so this post os gonna be really, really short, I got the 1 screen of Angmar (I dont know why only 1, if I were doing quests... oh, wait.. yes, I know why.. those Orcs almost killed me all the time, so I had no chance for taking some screens.

In fact, i thik tha I have another screen about a monster there too. so, yay! I got 2 screen! and I´m falling asleep so, I'm gonna post them and go directly to bed.

As you can see, the animals inhere are like the frog
of North-downs...

This is the gloomy Hill-men town of the zone, right after the Earth-kin
main campment at the entrance. all the time is like this: dark and gloomy.
Nite everyozzZZzzzzZZzzzzZZZZzzz...

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