viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

The first chain in Angmar

Angmar is a serious place my friends, they are not joking about anything... Anything at all. Few days ago, you may remember that I died several times in those haunted lands because of some Hill-men, well, today was not a exception in the rule. I died too, several times while I was doing their quests trying to get some good gear, and I finally did it, I got some great pieces of armor (Sad that they are light armor instead of medium) that right now are helping me a lot.

And you may think: "Well, dying in diferent quests is normal" then I will reply: "I know, right? but dying in the same freaking chain... it is normal?" Well, the answer is "Yes". Why the answer is "Yes"? simple enough, as players we can say no to several things, but as characters in the game we cant say "no" or "let´s think about this a little bit".

If the quest giver ask you to kill a dragon for a decent piece of armor, you have to say either Acept or decline... But decline is not a option since you need the Quest deeds, you need also some nw gearand you even need the gold that the quest and the enemy are going to drop eventually.But you can´t offer new answer in the me.

The last part of the quest chain were you get the Armor of Fém, is a pain. You are finally chosen to confront some enemies at a small something-like-a-camp called something like "Whatever-a-Fail" (Sorry, I do really dont know the name right now). the enemy, from the other village, is saying that the rule are goingto be a "bit" bende and that you have to fight against 2 enemies. all of them powerfull enogh to kill you in one Zap! (Yeah... Laser gun)

I did it, I ran like for 6 minutes and hitted occassionaly against my enemies while a noble person of that race (Hills-men,but the good ones) decided to go infront with me against the enemies. and we finally owned those guys easily.

The last part, as usual, is a Instance quest-like.

3 good guys Vs 3 bad guys!

At this point, it's jus 1 good guy against 2 bad guys... Signature type both...

Mouse over the Fear spells is like the finger in the trigger of the gun...

End of the battle.. Fear failed, but Running is always for the win.

I guess that I need to gather some new levels for this zone, or maybe geting another quest pack, just to get more chances of surviving before Moria.. if I want to reach it someday. it's been some days since I hitted lvl 40, and right now i'm just 42... i know that each lvl gets harders, but this can´t be THAT harder.

Perhaps it's time for me to find a group to lvl up with. Perhaps I just have to ask Turbine to add Snipers in the game for the Minstrels, maybe tanks... Actual tanks, reinforced, cannons, machine gun and stuff... of course, for Minstrels.

Today, in what it's left for a day,  will be lvl ing up a bit my professions, I dont wanna stay not update between that and my leveling zone.

Good luck for now! and see you later! :)

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