lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Riding to Moria. Misty M. Vs Eregion!

My new, possible, personal goal is reaching Moria. But I have to say that has been a bit painful in these last levels, specially in Angmar. The good thing about the minstrels (*cough* aside of being awesome *cough*) Is that they have a lot of emergency buttons that can use in dire moments. I have to say that I envy Desperate fly, from the hunters, but at least we have "Still as death" which grants us a complete out of combat escape.

From lvl 40 to 42 things were kinda "Fast", horrible too, but at least fast enough, yet lvl 42 to 43 was more than a pain. A good, even with the masochist part of dying all the time, thing of the game: Leveling is not easy or fast. I'm sure that there are better ways to lvl-up in the game, between doing instances and forming groups, but I' kinda of a Soloing player for the moments. Dying is not my favourite thing, but dying shows me how I should not proceed in certains moments and put into tests all my abilities.

I'm hoping to reach Moria this week, which I see as impossible since betwen work and sleep-time my Game hours are reduces to two or two and a half... And it could be a long time for someone, but for a absent mind like me, it's kinda nothing. In one moment I could be killing trolls, then Alt+tab and watch a episode of Castle, or 30 Rock, even Modern Family... Or worst, I could have 12 or 15 salamander's skins and suddenly, for no reason, I'm doing deeds in somewhere else quite away from the quest zone. Maybe I could stop just to raise my vocations a bit.

Yes, it's nice to be absent minded sometimes but not all the time... I'm those who is walking in the street, arguind with some friends about the economy of the country and suddenly say: "oooohhh Cookies..." and walk away... That's me, and I'm not lying,

More than going deeper into Moria, I'm more excited for the Legendary weapon system in the game, leveling my own weapon or maybe seeking the best combination for me in the game for gems, settings, runes and scrolls... Even if right now I dont know if what I'm saying has some sort of coherence. I'm just waiting for the right moment to find out a new world which hopefully is quite distint than other things in the game.

I'm still with my doubt between Misty Mountains and Eregion, both of them presents many points against and many points in favor that makes my decision kinda hard... And possibly I'll be buying Turbine points just to get both of them. I need to think it carefully, really, really carefully.

None of these screens were taken by me, this is a google research that I did to see which one looks better... and I can't decide yet :S


Awesome... Honestly, a great Pic.

*Dies in a horrible agony* see? Eregion has no Raids.. but awesome places!


While, in Misty Mountains, the screens were kinda "meh":

Ruins.. who doesnt loves ruins?

seems peaceful... shame that its not.. several Lynxes, Hillmen and Yettis are
waiting to kill you somewhere... behind each tree...

A normal screen, yet.. Misty Mountains have RAIDS! *Dies again*
That's the reason why I can't pick one, I know that I can visit Eregion even without the quest pack.. but the quests there must be awesome and they are worthy to make them... even if there's no Raid in that place.

While Misty Mountains looks just fun, and has raids.

Evil trick Turbine... This plan was evil... well played! I guess that I'll be looking forward to buy the points and get them both. I was saving for Mirkwood, but Mirkwood is kinda far from me right now.

Well, gotta go, see you later! good hunting and good luck as well!

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