viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

The Rite...

You know what I hate about "Terror" movies? When they hit the same topic once again for every year and they are not good enough. At least to give you a small taste of fear or maybe just a little scaring moment... Well, I  can´t speak about the movie "The Rite" Since I haven´t see it yet.

But right now I´m going to do it and I feel like I could waste my time, which I could be using for writing, eating, drinking, playing dices, kicking the same spot in the wall, playing lotro, speaking by phone, texting ppl by cellphone or maybe just looking at the moon trying to see the freaking bunny... Honestly, i dont see the bunny in the Moon yet... I believe that is all part of a bad joke and most of the ones that see it ar lying...

Sorry, the topic about the bunny in the moon is serious for me...

Anyway, I dont know about this movie, The Rite, I´m feeling like I should go somewhere else but I have to watch it, the reason why? I like to talk about the movies that I´ve seen and everyone is talkign about the Rite, some of them with nice critics, others with some awfully critics...

Well, I´m off to watch it, wish me luck or something better!

Good hunt my friends, and the best of lucks as well. I´ll leave you with some pics here :)

Can´t say that this looks bad... I like it...

I like this one too...

But this one... looks good, but.. "meh" I like the others two.

Oh! before I forget... I was palying with the options of Blogspot and I decided to leave a question, would be great to hear (read, in this case) your opinion :)

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