If you like to have the advantage in battle, set traps, go somehow sneaky, have range attacks, have flaming range attacks, have "teleports", quick escape spells, work as melee dps is time is dire and lots of roots spells: Go hunter on them!
Is a versatile class in fact, also a interesting too. The hunter is the tipical friend with bow and arrow able to track down his/her enemies quickly and deadly in combat, also, you can move faster around the middle earth with the spells for teleport that the class has. Is a fast, no problematic and funny class to play with.
I'm a hunter prior patch, so I dont know ho they work now exactly, but I can tell you that Khas (My hunter) was a deadly lady with a deadly bow. Doing skirmishes with a hunter is basically cheating the game. Since yu can run faster, even if you are still in combat but somehow far from the enemy, you can use fire on your arrows, making them not only devastating weapon but also a damage per second pain in the chest. For deeds, especially the slayers deeds, this class is really good, since you can track alsmot all kind of creature. IF not all the types of creatures.
Maybe the lowest point that they have is the low power that sometimes they have to face in horrible moments, I wa susually out of power even with lvl gear checked, and another thing is the Medium armor... which is not "Bad" but is not the best that they have. Having a Hunter is a class that requires certain dedication and some conduct code to follow. One thing that usually hunters forget: Hunters can die too.
You have to check your stances, since all is not a Dps race, and you have to be aware to save anyone who could be facing a dire moment in a group or raid group. And one thing that usually happens a lot: Hunter are experts in wrong pulls. Like most of the Range classes, in the middle of the fight there's a chance that you make a mistake with the targets and ends with a extra pull that the Tank and healer can stand.
The Bowmaster, Trapper f Foes and Huntsman are the three talent trees of the Hunter.
The Trapper of Foes:
If you like to do some awesome crowd-control and still be doing a decent dps, this is your Talent tree. I, in my personal opinion, dont lile this one. I'm not the perfect to make crowd-control and that's the only reason. Traps improved, fear spells, in-combat traps and a better track spell are the qualities for the Trapper of Foes.
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You have to do, what it must be done. |
The Huntsman:
This could be the best way to lvl up while you are in the long road to lvl 65. Nasty dps at range, and a great dps as melee. Since this class is more focused on survivng, your focus is a bit more faster than usual in the right stance and you can stand against the troubles that a loner Hunter could face. You also are a bit faster and a little bit more hard to kill.
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If you have the target at sight, soon will be dead. |
This is what I use on Khas. I like dps, and I like it a lot, reason why I'm always in troubles and running back and forward to avoid get killed when I pull just too much. I know that I should be a Huntsman for leveling, and leave this one for Dps at Raid moments, but I just can't wait. If you like Hit harder each time, and lots of criticals, one target as multi-target as well: This could be your choice.
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*Pew* *Pew* |
A good thing about this class: You can move faster between places, which is great for questing.
A bad thing about this class: You are not the only Hunter in the game. not even 1 in 1000. there's a huge chance that at least a 35% of your server is plagued with them.
Well, gotta go, duties are yelling me to finish them before the day ends. See you later! and good hunting! (No.. not a bad joke, I always say "Good hunting" at the end of the posts... but is funny to read good hunting in a hunter post, anyways. :) )
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